And AC did nothing with the dogs? Here in my country, we have a BAD dog law 
obviously yours doesn't??
I would be carrying something to protect myself and my 'pups'. I hope you are 
feeling better. What a traumatic experience!

Kitty and the Canine Gang,
Maxx, Jill, Bits and Sweetie

Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.
Anatoe France

 From: ouidan <>
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2012 9:27 AM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] My white chi and I were attacked by a dog
I was walking my chi on my road in my neighborhood and was turning around to go 
home and saw a man and 3 dogs approaching.  He seemed to be having trouble 
holding them back, so I walked up someones long driveway to stand by their 
garage door.  This would give him the entire road and he could pass.  Well, he 
had to overweight labs and one hound mix, like a tri color coonhound.  when 
they got to the end of the drive it twirled and slipped its collar and came 
right for Maggie.  I scooped her up and then my nightmare began.  I was bitten 
on the back/side( it was hanging there.  And when I shook him off it bit my arm 
that was wrapped around Maggie.  I was screaming for help and the man did 
nothing.  I yelled my loudest and meanest when he was springing for my face.  
He stopped for a second and I made my escape to a nieghbors house and rung the 
bell sobbing and told them to call my husband to come get me.  I went to the 
hospital and animal control
 came and the deputy sheriffs.   The next day I talked to a neighbor about it 
and found out she had the exact same scenero happen to her and her white 
cockapoo a week earlier only it didn't bite her.  She was lucky.   I will never 
go without protection now.  The animal control and the sheriff said to carry 
and gun and use it.  I would not be in trouble if I did.  The bottom line was 
that I was going to same my dog over my own life.  And I did save both of us, 
battered, bruised, torn,swollen and now afraid of my own street.


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