Our little Scout had some episodes of screaming and we finally figured out
(per X-rays)that he had hurt his back.  He would just start screaming and
then would hold himself stiffly and would shake.  It really looked like he
was having a seizure but he was not unresponsive or incontinent of his
bowels or bladder like our other epileptic dog when she seized.  Yes I know
there are all different degrees of seizures.  Anyway, did they check out
his back? After a steroid shot, anti-inflamitories and restricted activity
for 5 weeks he has been fine.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Sharon Norman <preciou...@roadrunner.com>wrote:

> **
>  Hello everyone...I was wondering if I could get some opinions. We had to
> rush my parents little Chihuahua Bear to the vet this afternoon...he is the
> brother to my Chihuahua Sox. He was fine last night...clear up to about 1
> or 1:30 this morning when my mom went to bed. He was drinking
> water...playing and everything was ok. Well this morning he woke her up by
> screaming! She couldn’t find anything wrong with him. He hasn’t eaten or
> drank anything all day. While we were at the vets office...in the waiting
> room...he had a seizure...he got really stiff and was laying on his
> side...screaming. The vet rushed him back right then and there. They did
> blood work and everything came back normal to very good. No one knows why
> this happened. We left the vet a little after 6 pm...and he was still
> shaking. Tried to get him to eat some canned food ...he wouldn’t. We bought
> him baby food with beef and broth and chicken and broth. We need to get
> some fluids in him. Any suggestions or ideas? If he hasn’t shown
> improvement in the morning...I’m taking him back. Love this little guy...he
> weighs less than 4 lbs.  I’ll check back in a few. I’m VERY tired. My
> husband came home from work about 3:45 this morning...had to take him to
> the ER...he pulled a muscle in his back! Had to get up this morning at
> 8:30...after not getting to bed to after 5:30 am! Had to go pick up
> prescriptions for my husband....then I had to go to my doctor and pick up
> an order for a Hi Da scan on my liver...pancreas...and gall bladder. Had an
> ultra sound on my liver last week...I have very high liver enzymes...the
> ultra sound came back abnormal! He also ordered more blood work and said
> straight up he’s checking me for cancer...SO...PLEASE pray for little
> “Bear”....he is loved so much by all of us...I’m going to check on him
> now...and get some water in him....please say a prayer for me too...I’m a
> little scared at this point...thank you.

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