Gosh I hope Bear will be OK!  You too.


 From: Sharon Norman <preciou...@roadrunner.com>
To: all_chihuah...@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 6, 2013 4:46 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Sick Chihuahua

Hello everyone...I was wondering if I could get some opinions. 
We had to rush my parents little Chihuahua Bear to the vet this afternoon...he 
is the brother to my Chihuahua Sox. He was fine last night...clear up to about 
or 1:30 this morning when my mom went to bed. He was drinking water...playing 
and everything was ok. Well this morning he woke her up by screaming! She 
couldn’t find anything wrong with him. He hasn’t eaten or drank anything all 
day. While we were at the vets office...in the waiting room...he had a 
seizure...he got really stiff and was laying on his side...screaming. The vet 
rushed him back right then and there. They did blood work and everything came 
back normal to very good. No one knows why this happened. We left the vet a 
little after 6 pm...and he was still shaking. Tried to get him to eat some 
canned food ...he wouldn’t. We bought him baby food with beef and broth and 
chicken and broth. We need to get some fluids in him. Any suggestions or ideas? 
If he hasn’t shown improvement in the morning...I’m taking him back. Love this 
little guy...he weighs less than 4 lbs.  I’ll check back in a few. I’m VERY 
tired. My husband came home from work about 3:45 this morning...had to take him 
to the ER...he pulled a muscle in his back! Had to get up this morning at 
8:30...after not getting to bed to after 5:30 am! Had to go pick up 
prescriptions for my husband....then I had to go to my doctor and pick up an 
order for a Hi Da scan on my liver...pancreas...and gall bladder. Had an ultra 
sound on my liver last week...I have very high liver enzymes...the ultra sound 
came back abnormal! He also ordered more blood work and said straight up he’s 
checking me for cancer...SO...PLEASE pray for little “Bear”....he is loved so 
much by all of us...I’m going to check on him now...and get some water in 
him....please say a prayer for me too...I’m a little scared at this 
point...thank you.

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