It illegal in most places not to mention detrimental to the dog to take from 
Mom and litter before 8 weeks old. Pups need the full 8 weeks to learn doggy 
lessons and many pups taken away early or lone pups bite people and don't 
relate well to other dogs. There are weight/height charts to help predict the 
size of Chi pups online.

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC and 
Monte CGC,  MinPins HoneyB, Brutus, and  IMPS foster Jordan

miniechat1 <> wrote:

>I am a new Chihuahua owner. My little guy is Cody. He is 6 weeks old and very 
>tiny. I have no idea how big he will get. He is black with white paws and 
>white on his tummy. I will need to learn all I can about this adorable little 
>love. I look forward to chatting with you all.
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