So sorry to read of this. Out of the hundreds of toy breeds I myself and my 
friends rescued only one had trachea issues and my vet said it is usually trama 
more then a defective gene. I know a BC who has one from damage from a chain 
collar. My toy breeds get walked on harnesses and my larger dogs on pinches 
unless at a show then a fur saver that would be less severe then a reg chain. 
Adopting an older pup or adult would lessen any medical problems. And the 
rescues here are turning away pregnant bitches and entire litters of purebred 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC and 
Monte CGC,  MinPins HoneyB, Brutus, and IMPS foster  Jordan  


-------- Original message --------
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Collapsing Trachea 
From: Gregory <> 

We were devastated last week when we had to put our 10 year old female chi, 
Maya, down. She started caughing a couple of years ago and the vets told us 
that it was a collapsing trachea issue that would get worse over time.

The caughing got worse 3 months ago and the vets gave us medication that helped 
for a little while. Unfortunately, last week our beloved Maya took a turn for 
the worst and Sunday she crossed over the rainbow bridge.

We will be looking for another chi in the future and will contact several 
breeders. I was not familiar with this problem when we got her and the other 
generations of chis that the breeder had ranged in age from 3 to 13 and none 
had this issue. Are there anything that we should look for next time when we go 
to view puppies to possibly avoid this problem again or is it something that 
just happens. My wife and I are still heart sick. Greg

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