Awwww. The shelter I volunteer for is Harbor Humane Society in West
Michigan During the summer.  I take most of the pictures for petfinder.
 Our typical population IS 300ish animals.  When an animal comes in we look
through a book of lost animal reports and also check Craigslist for lost
reports.  Many animals are reunited with their owners that way that aren't
microchipped.  All of our big dogs have kuranda beds and blankets unless
they shred/eat them.  The little ones and kitties get blankets.  We do hose
out the kennels but the animals are not in them when we do it.  We got a
chi in a few weeks ago who had hardly any hair and was skin and bones.  Our
kennel manager is fostering him and he already looks tons better.  Our
facility is not deluxe but it is clean and the animals are treated
humanely. We are also fortunate to have a bunch of volunteers who walk and
socialize the dogs and cats.  The Chi problem in CA and Miami is
heartbreaking.  The rescue I help with in the winter pulls small dogs  from
the Miami animal services.  The dogs from there are always sick.

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Peggy & The Girls <>wrote:

> **
>    Poor little guy, he looks so wide eyed and unsure, he can't understand
> why he is there. He is a handsome chi. It always seems that more males then
> females are surrendered.  I sure hope he finds a home quick and that it is
> a forever home. It's good to hear that your shelter tries to help the
> little ones, and that they also except volunteers, so many other shelters
> don't even try, especially the CA ones.
> I was in tears the other day, and it ruined my entire day when I saw a 2
> lb male chi in the Devore, CA  shelter. They held him with one hand to take
> his photo, he was so tiny.They said that he was at the shelter for 5 days
> and they just posted his picture for rescue help. People were trying so
> hard to get a puller there since it was his 5th day, and guess what they
> did just before closing?.......the unmentionable!!!  It caused quite an
> uproar and rightly so.  2pounds!! How can you say you don't have the room
> for that? They could put him in a desk drawer for pete sake. Then they
> tried to get out of it, by saying he was sick.  That shelter is known for
> the real tiny chis, and they are so use to  putting them down.  The day
> after there was 3 more, maybe about 3 pounds on the euth list again. A lot
> of times they don't even list them until the 5 day hold is up for the owner
> to claim them, and when they don't, the shelter expects rescues to be there
> on the same day? That is so insane. That shelter has been in trouble on so
> many counts of cruelty through the years.  It's a hell for any dog. Filthy
> rotten rusted cages and kennels with cement or metal floors. They have old
> ceramic crock dishes built into the walls with an automated water system.
> Nothing ever really gets cleaned, they just hose everything down with the
> dogs in the cages and kennels and then they have to sleep on the cold wet
> cement. No beds are allowed, because they have no way of cleaning them,
> nor do they have enough staff to clean them. Last year they were up on
> charges again because when they hosed down the cages in the winter time
> (they are north CA)  the water froze and several dogs got frost bite paws,
> and they did nothing for the dogs, until someone got sneaky pictures and
> posted them to FB and the local newspapers. They don't have AC or heat
> either for the dogs, just in there offices.  If I lived near there, I would
> wind up being a hoarder. The amount of chis pts everyday in the CA shelters
> is unbelievable. People really have to stop breeding them and spay and
> neuter!
> Peggy
>  *-------Original Message-------*
>  *From:* Susanne Defoe <>
> *Date:* 7/28/2013 8:39:30 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Chihuahuas] Pic of Blue [1 Attachment]
> Yes, I am going to try to attach a picture.  I am trying to remember, I
> think he was around 5 yrs old.
> Sue
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Peggy & The Girls <>wrote:
> **
>    Susan, I am curious, is the LH a male?
> Peggy
>  *-------Original Message-------*
>  *From:* Susanne Defoe <>
> *Date:* 7/28/2013 8:29:58 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Chihuahuas] Pic of Blue
> ALL of our Chi's that come to the shelter I volunteer for are fearful when
> they are first there.  Some of them are nippy too but it is fear biting.
>  We are so fortunate that the staff really work with the little ones until
> they are more comfortable and adoptable.  We are a kill shelter but very
> few of our little ones ever get PTS. We had 3 Chi's come in on Friday, all
> owner surrenders.  One is a 4 pound LH.  HOW can people do that?   Blue is
> very fortunate to have you as his foster mom! You  are fortunate to have
> the network of rescues and transports.
> Sue
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Robin Gordils <>wrote:
> **
> He is my private rescue, pulled under IMPS but they got him so I could
> find him a home rather then he be PTS. Labeled "fearful" so another strike
> against his life. He was initially nippy when you went to get him out of
> the crate but just now came right out. Friendly when out of crate and
> obviously used to dogs even large ones but not leash trained.
> Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC
> , Monte CGC, foster Blue and MinPins HoneyB and Brutus
> Http://
> Mommabear7772004 <> wrote:
> Blue is very good looking ! I love the
> Merle's !  Is he yours or part of the rescue ?
> Sheryl
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 28, 2013, at 9:37 AM, Robin Gordils <> wrote:
> Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC
> , Monte CGC, foster Blue and MinPins HoneyB and Brutus
> Http://

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