It's a lot of stress for a new puppy to be away from mommy and her litter
mates for the first couple of weeks.  Yes chis are known for hypoglycemia
due from stress.
The best thing to give them is Nutra-Cal, it is loaded with electrolytes
which they loose from the stress, which in turn lowers their sugar level.
You can buy it anywhere,
and just let her lick some off from the tube about 2-4 times a day for the
first couple of days. It will also help to increase their appetite back to
normal, and her sugar level. All the excitement may have her exhausted. Chi
s do like to be with humans all the time, but if you think she is too clingy
then it may be her way of saying she isn't feeling well, and wants you to
make her feel better.  Normally a young pup of 6-8 weeks should have 4 small
meals per day until they are 10 weeks old, then reduce it to 3 small meals.
If she is eating normally then you shouldn't have to worry about a low blood
sugar level.

Puppies should sleep a lot more then they are active until they pass that
stage, just like babies do.  If her nose is runny, then that could be from a
list of causes. Did she
recently have a shot?  She may be having a side effect from the shot. I don
t know where you got her from, but cold symptoms could also mean Parvo. If
she starts to cough it could be Kennel cough. Or it could just be she needs
to calm down and sleep and get over the new stress. 

If she seems worse with the runny nose, and won't eat at all by this evening
 gets diarrhea, then I would run her to the vet. 


-------Original Message-------
From: leanneb65
Date: 8/1/2013 11:56:32 AM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] More Chi questions
Well Im in here again with more questions. Up until this morning our new
little chi has done well. Eating, drinking, playing, following me around and
always wanting to be held. Today is a different story...almost like a diff
dog..she is tired, sleeping ALL day not eating a whole lot and sounds like
she has a runny nose. I have sucked her nose with a buld syringe. I am super
nervous and afraid something is wrong all of a sudden. I have been reading
about sugar, sugar water, honey, hypoglysemia, etc. It's all freaking me out
 I havent cleaned my house or done anything since getting this pup as she is
sooooo clingy. 
Is this all normal behaviour?


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