Well considering that you gave her new food instead of giving it to her
mixed in with her old food, she probably is having an upset tummy. Pick up a
can of pure pumpkin tomorrow, that should settle her tummy,  and give her
1/4 tsp twice a day, for 3 days. And then add just a small amount of the new
food to her old food for a couple of days, then increase the new food again
for a couple of days until you wean her fully onto the new food.

Guess you haven't had a puppy in a long time


-------Original Message-------
From: leanneb65
Date: 8/2/2013 12:39:52 AM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Re: Night time..Oy Vey
Oh snap. She got herself so worked up she pooped diarhea. Hadnt seen that
before. Now what!

--- In Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com, "leanneb65" <leannebkr@...> wrote:
> Okay. Here we are a few nights in and Baylee is really not liking being
alone at night. We had the issue last night with her and the previous nights
she didnt hardly wine at all.
> Tonight I put her in my room with her in her box. I put a sheet over the
top of the box but left the corner open. She has been jumping and whining
and crying for over 30 minutes now. Is there ever a time I shoud just pick
her up? I do not want to spoil her but dont want her to stressed either. 
> Or is it best to put her in a separate room where there are no occupants
trying to sleep?
> Need to figure this out before hubby gets home from being on the road.
> Thanks again!!


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