When I adopted Princess from the shelter she had 3 types of worms. One type
was Whip Worm which you cannot see with the naked eye. Those buggers thrive
on the dogs guts, so the dog doesn't get any nutrition no matter how much
you feed a dog. Princess' s fur was literally falling out by the handfuls
and was 7 pounds under weight from them. Two weeks of worm meds, a flea bath
 antibiotics, and a good food and she was as good as new within 3 months and
had put on 5 pounds within that time.  She doesn't look anything at all like
she did when I adopted her. 

Yes it is heartbreaking for all shelter dogs, which is why they all need
homes so badly, because they suffer and then they are put down anyway. I am
not one for breeding and buying dogs, especially the chi!! Over 18000 chis
are on Petfinders from breeders like the one you bought yours from.

Good quality chis don't come from hobby breeders or BYB, or PMs, they come
from responsible and ethical breeders who breed because they want to improve
the breed, and can show proof of atleast 3 generations of sound personality,
and good conformation and no health issues that are so common to the chi
breed today. The rest of these breeders are just breeding for the money and
could care less if the pups they sold land in a shelter or the next
generations of those pups land in a shelter. Ethical breeders that sell
their pet quality chis also make the buyer sign a contract in the event the
new owner doesn't want the dog in the future, the breeder will take it back.
They also make sure as part of the contract that the puppies are neutered
and spayed either before they are sold or by the time the pup is 5 months
old or they can take the pup back. Ethical breeders never sell their pups
before they are 8-10 weeks old, since those last two weeks is the most
important socialization period for a pup with other dogs to learn the
meaning of pack order, which in return is needed when they are with a new
family. Selling them at 6 weeks old produces dogs that cling to the owner,
and become over-protected/aggressive of the owner, and they don't get along
with other dogs later on in life.

-------Original Message-------
From: Peggy & The Girls
Date: 8/4/2013 6:44:52 PM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Re: Uh oh..worms perhaps?
Yes she will be fine. Hopefully it is just the string. Also consider that if
she had round worms last week, and then given the med, she may be passing
them out. Only when the Vet puts the poop under a microscope will he be able
to tell what she has. Try  putting the sample in an empty med bottle in the
AM  or just before you bring her in to the vet, they don't need much to test
-------Original Message-------
From: leanneb65
Date: 8/4/2013 6:38:14 PM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Re: Uh oh..worms perhaps?
Wow, I did not know that. I have one cat. I have never seen a flea on my cat
and I have never seen a flea on this pup. The lady we got the pup from was a
freak about fleas. I saw her pull a flea off the pup one time before we got
the puppy. Maybe she got the flea from her. Either way, the puppy just
pooped again, this time is was very light in color and another white thing
was sticking out of her butt. 
I have dealt with puppies in the past before when we lived in Oregon and
California. I have never ever seen sooo many dogs or puppies with worms or
coccidia or giardia or any other weird ailment so much as I have dealt with
here in Southeast Missouri. Conincidence? Not sure but it drives me crazy. I
really thought getting a puppy from a home raised by a family was so much
better than one from the pound. Our pound is awful and terrible. They offer
shelter and food..that is it..nothing else. No care of any kind. Sad.
Ugh! So frustrated!!! Will this pup be okay until we get her to the vet

--- In Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com, Peggy & The Girls <phrpg5@...> wrote:
> Tape worm comes from fleas. A dog or cat has to ingest the flea. I think
> takes about 7-10 days later and you can see them in the poop and or they
> throw them up. 
> The regular wormer that is given to puppies is for round worm. The Vet
> need a fresh sample to check it out. If she has them, he will either give
> her a pill or a shot, 
> and then 7-10 days later it must be given again to kill the newly hatched
> baby worms in her system. More times then not the infected fleas are from
> cat fleas. So if your 
> cat goes outdoors you should look into giving it flea preventative meds,
> that your dog and house doesn't get infested. It only takes one infected
> flea to give a dog or cat tape worm, which means your cat has to be
> and medicated too. And tapeworms multiply fast in an animals system, if
> untreated the animal becomes so loaded with them that it makes them very
> anemic and can they can die. How many other cats and dogs do you have? 
> Peggy
> -------Original Message-------
> From: leanneb65
> Date: 8/4/2013 5:56:48 PM
> To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Chihuahuas] Uh oh..worms perhaps?
> ++Well out little chi will be 8 weeks tomorrow and we have had her 1 week
> today. The family we got her from said she gave her her first 5 in 1 shot
> days ago and also wormed her.
> Her stools are a little loose, not total diarrhea but especially when she
> yelping in her crate. Well today I put her in her crate to take care of
> needed to be done in the kitchen. She didnt yelp real loudly, more like a
> wimper but she clearly wanted out. I went to get her once she was quiet
> noticed she pooped several small little piles and when I picked her up I
> notice this white thing hanging from her but. Now I didnt have my reading
> glasses on and thought it was a string as she has been chewing on a rope
> and some shoe laces I braided. What ever it was just broke off in the
> Didn't seem to bother her but I think it was more flat then round. Could
> that be a tape worm? And if she was wormed a week ago why would it look
> that? 
> Also, I notice the last few days my cat has had very loose stools as well.
> Not sure what it going on there but could one infect the other? We are
> calling the vet tomorrow morning to get her in. She hasn't had a vet check
> since we got her so I guess this is a good time to.


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