personally I wouldn't leave food over night. It can get crusty, harden or even 
mold up because its moist. She may eat it anyway (trust me I've seen my Chi eat 
ANYTHING -- ahem cat poo for one). I would give her a good meal 30 mts before 
bed. Let her eliminate and then put her in her crate. If your worried about 
dehydration I'd leave some water or an ice-cube or two in a bowl, so that its 
cold and melts over time.

Just my thoughts, but I'm no chi expert. I've asked my fair share of questions 


On Aug 4, 2013, at 10:48 PM, "leanneb65" <> wrote:

> Because last night my lil one choked a bit on her food I now crush it up a 
> bit before adding water to soften it. I like to keep food and water in her 
> crate over night so that she gets a good 5 hours in there before we all get 
> up. But is it a bad thing to leave that softened food in there that long? 
> Does it keep that long or not and if not what should I do? I dont want her to 
> have blood sugar issues but we are all not light sleepers so getting up every 
> 2-3 hours is rough and not real easy. Well, I am the one who gets up. 
> Suggestiongs? I am afraid to leave dry food in there. I dont want her to 
> choke.
> I am sorry for all the annoying and redundant questions. I do have a general 
> anxiety disorder and panic disorder. My triggers are always health 
> related..mine, the family or the pets...So please forgive me if I become 
> annoying. 
> Leanne

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