I think it would be a good idea for you to keep all these post or look back
on the group page for answers that you have already asked.  

1) wet dog food can and does accumulate bacteria quickly, so if not eaten
within 3 hours, throw it out.

2) If a puppy is fed 3-4 times per day, then you don't have to worry about a
drop in sugar levels, even at night.

3) Which means they do not have to eat during the night.

4) If she is fed during the night you will have a hard time housebreaking
her and you are creating a dog that will forever wake you up in the middle
of the night because she has to tell you she wants to potty.

5) A puppy should sleep 6-8 hours of undisturbed sleep at night, provided
she peed and pooped before you settled her down for the night.

6) Puppies take naps on and off all day, and especially after they eat, and
each nap can last 1 hour or more. 

I hope now that she is eating regularly you are not still giving her sugar
with water or over doing the Nutra-Cal. A too high of a sugar level can be
just as bad as 
a low sugar level, just like it is for humans.  Finding a balance in all
things is so much less stressful.

If you have a hard time remembering things, or can't find earlier emails
with the answers in them, then write down your notes and keep them handy
for a quick reference.


-------Original Message-------
From: leanneb65
Date: 8/4/2013 10:49:01 PM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Chihuahuas] One more question about food before bed..
Because last night my lil one choked a bit on her food I now crush it up a
bit before adding water to soften it. I like to keep food and water in her
crate over night so that she gets a good 5 hours in there before we all get
up. But is it a bad thing to leave that softened food in there that long?
Does it keep that long or not and if not what should I do? I dont want her
to have blood sugar issues but we are all not light sleepers so getting up
every 2-3 hours is rough and not real easy. Well, I am the one who gets up. 
Suggestiongs? I am afraid to leave dry food in there. I dont want her to

I am sorry for all the annoying and redundant questions. I do have a general
anxiety disorder and panic disorder. My triggers are always health related.
mine, the family or the pets...So please forgive me if I become annoying. 



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