I think I agree with Peggy, Robert.  That little chihuahua must have belonged 
to someone, and posting that you found her may reunite her with her owner.
Please try....

      Becky & the girls

Sent from Becky's iPhone 

On Aug 17, 2013, at 2:55 PM, "r.scott" <rss71...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> She doesn't have a collar.  she was dirty had dry dirt on her head.we don't 
> have a animal shelter here or animal control in the country.   Robert
> From: Peggy & The Girls <phr...@optimum.net>
> To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 11:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.
> Gezz Robert, I hope she didn't leave her puppies some where. Sometimes, when 
> a stray mother knows her puppies need to be weaned, she will leave them for a 
> while
> seeking out food for them and herself, so it is possible she wasn't dumped on 
> you.  I hope you checked all around your property and under the house. Also 
> hope that
> you asked all of your neighbors if they lost a chi and posted signs that you 
> found one, and looked at the local papers in case anyone advertised that she 
> was lost.  You can even put an add in a local paper, but make sure that they 
> tell you something special about the dog to prove that she really belongs to 
> them. You wouldn't want someone who just takes any dogs and then sells them 
> to the PMs or Labs for testing or uses them for Bait dogs, or uses her as a 
> breeder.
> Call your shelter and ask if anyone has lost a chi-mix.
> Bring her to a Vet and ask them to check if she is microchipped. Most Vets 
> won't charge to do that for a stray.
> Check local papers if she is listed as lost.
> Post Signs for a found small dog.
> Place an ad in local papers for a found small dog.
> There are web sites that list lost and found dogs: See if she is listed, if 
> not list her as being found
> http://www.petamberalert.com/    click on ''View Lost dogs'' and also click 
> on ''Report Found Dog''
> http://www.thecenterforlostpets.com/
> http://www.fidofinder.com/
> http://www.lostandfound.com/
> http://www.lostpetusa.net/home
> http://www.missingpet.net/
> http://www.lostdogsearch.com/links.htm
> Call rescues to see if they can pick her up, if you don't get a response from 
> anyone looking for her.
> She looks like a sweet little girl, perhaps you can convince your mother to 
> give you another couple of weeks to find her owners first. Most strays are 
> afraid of strangers, especially when they have puppies, so for her to be that 
> sweet and trusting shows she came from a home where she was spoiled some what.
> What town, city and state do you live in?  I can find rescues in your state 
> to help you, and also help with searching for her owners. You can email me 
> privately if you want to.
> Peggy
> -------Original Message-------
> From: r.scott
> Date: 8/17/2013 11:22:25 AM
> To: chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here. [1 Attachment]
> Just one thing I  didn't need  a little half Chihuahua  dumped off here at my 
> house. she is grown  and I think she had puppies. she's very friendly and 
> sweet and loving  but I  can't keep her.  my 80 year old widowed mom lives 
> here too  she owns this house and won't let me have  more than one dog  so 
> what do I  do???  I  have grown really attached to her, it was one week today 
> I went outside and there she was in the yard tail wagging  and my neutered 
> male Cody wanted to get to know her. my mom is really putting pressure on me  
> to get rid of her ASAP.  I'm afraid  if I  don't find  her a home or a 
> shelter  my mom will try to get me to take her off somewhere else  and if I 
> don't  do it she'll get one of my sisters to come  and take her off and dump 
> her else where.  so I'm in a real dilemma. here is a picture of the  dog. I 
> sort of started calling her "Daisy Mae"  Rob.    

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