Robert, don't feel guilty. Nothing else you could have done. I am sorry that
you couldn't keep her, but you did the next best thing that you could by
bringing her to the 
shelter instead of having them dump her again.  

Don't concern yourself with any negative comments, just ignore them.  Take

-------Original Message-------
From: r.scott
Date: 08/19/13 16:24:31
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.
I  really loved that dog the short time she was here and really  wanted to
keep her but couldn't. if I  lived alone  she would have been  here for the
rest of her life unless her owner came for her. but none of our neighbors
ever saw her before. I overheard my mom talking to this old man friend of
hers on the phone  she was going to have him come and drop the dog off in a
terrible area  where the nearest house  was miles away  and nothing but
woods  and all kind of creatures like Coyotes, Foxes, even Bears and other
creatures roam. I  contacted the lady at the shelter and told her what I was
up against  she told me to bring her to the shelter. they really seem to
care about the animals there  and she believed she could eventually find the
dog a home since she was a lap dog that showed so much effection and wanted
to lick your face. so my hands were tied and I didn't have much time. maybe
I  should have took both her and my dog Cody and left here.  the 3 of us
might have been homeless together living in my car.  Robert

From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.

Robert, I know you did the best you could for that dog, I would disregard
the comments.
In a message dated 8/18/2013 11:26:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Because I spent a few days trying to talk my mother into letting me keep her
I even offered to have her spayed.Robert  

From: Nancy <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.

I am sorry - I find it very odd that this dog was "dumped" in front of your
home a week ago.  The, you finally post here yesterday morning, asking for
help.  A mere 6 hours later, you drop her at the humane society.  Why didn't
you post here a week ago?  We may have been able to find her a home if we
were given a week instead of less than 6 hours.  JMO. 

Nancy, Pepper, Rascal & Rocky

From: r.scott <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.

I placed the dog in the Humane Society Animal Shelter

From: Peggy & The Girls <>
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.

  I  took her to the local animal shelter  the lady there was very nice and
confident she could find her  a home. the longer I  kept her the more
attached I would get and the harder  it  would be to  part with her. I  miss
her already   but at least  she's being cared for and fed. not  out  trying
to survive looking for food and dodging cars on the highway.  I know I made
my mom sound mean in previous posts, but she cooked meat for that dog  and
my Cody but said we couldn't keep and  clean up after 2 of them and didn't
want no harm coming to them but she was worried that I was getting too
attached to her. Robert 
Robert I enlarged her picture and it does not appear that she has had
puppies from looking at her tummy.  She looks like a well fed chi and hasn't
been a stray for
too long.  She belonged to someone Robert, even her nails are groomed and
she isn't that old either.  While I am trying to search out lost and found,
you need to help and do your part. Her owner would have no idea where she is
unless you ask neighbors and post signs all around your town and on main
street poles, and if you can hang them all around your closet streets, and a
local paper. 
-------Original Message-------
From: r.scott
Date: 8/17/2013 3:20:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.
I'm trying to get my mom to give me more time.  we took her to a shelter in
the next town Mer Rouge,Louisiana this morning.   but they couldn't take her
 without permission from someone who wasn't there so we had to bring her
back home.  Robert 

From: Peggy & The Girls <>
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.

If she had dry dirt on her head then it sounds like she must have been
hiding somewhere with her puppies. Dogs love to hide under sun decks and
porches and crawl spaces.  Lots of people don't keep collars on their dogs,
so that doesn't mean anything.  You can still do all the other things that I
listed.  I beg you Robert don't let her be dropped off in the streets again.
....she cannot survive on her own!  Their is wildlife that could also get
Again, please email me privately and tell me what town and state you live in
and I will be better to help you find her a home since I do networking for
chis in shelters and lost and found.
-------Original Message-------
From: r.scott
Date: 8/17/2013 2:56:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.
She doesn't have a collar.  she was dirty had dry dirt on her head.we don't
have a animal shelter here or animal control in the country.   Robert

From: Peggy & The Girls <>
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here.

Gezz Robert, I hope she didn't leave her puppies some where. Sometimes, when
a stray mother knows her puppies need to be weaned, she will leave them for
a while
seeking out food for them and herself, so it is possible she wasn't dumped
on you.  I hope you checked all around your property and under the house.
Also hope that 
you asked all of your neighbors if they lost a chi and posted signs that you
found one, and looked at the local papers in case anyone advertised that she
was lost.  You can even put an add in a local paper, but make sure that they
tell you something special about the dog to prove that she really belongs to
them. You wouldn't want someone who just takes any dogs and then sells them
to the PMs or Labs for testing or uses them for Bait dogs, or uses her as a
Call your shelter and ask if anyone has lost a chi-mix.
Bring her to a Vet and ask them to check if she is microchipped. Most Vets
won't charge to do that for a stray. 
Check local papers if she is listed as lost.
Post Signs for a found small dog.
Place an ad in local papers for a found small dog.
There are web sites that list lost and found dogs: See if she is listed, if
not list her as being found    click on ''View Lost dogs'' and also click
on ''Report Found Dog''
Call rescues to see if they can pick her up, if you don't get a response
from anyone looking for her.
She looks like a sweet little girl, perhaps you can convince your mother to
give you another couple of weeks to find her owners first. Most strays are
afraid of strangers, especially when they have puppies, so for her to be
that sweet and trusting shows she came from a home where she was spoiled
some what. 
What town, city and state do you live in?  I can find rescues in your state
to help you, and also help with searching for her owners. You can email me
privately if you want to.
-------Original Message-------
From: r.scott
Date: 8/17/2013 11:22:25 AM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua mix dumped off here. [1 Attachment]
Just one thing I  didn't need  a little half Chihuahua  dumped off here at
my house. she is grown  and I think she had puppies. she's very friendly and
sweet and loving  but I  can't keep her.  my 80 year old widowed mom lives
here too  she owns this house and won't let me have  more than one dog  so
what do I  do???  I  have grown really attached to her, it was one week
today I went outside and there she was in the yard tail wagging  and my
neutered male Cody wanted to get to know her. my mom is really putting
pressure on me  to get rid of her ASAP.  I'm afraid  if I  don't find  her a
home or a shelter  my mom will try to get me to take her off somewhere else 
and if I don't  do it she'll get one of my sisters to come  and take her off
and dump her else where.  so I'm in a real dilemma. here is a picture of the
 dog. I sort of started calling her "Daisy Mae"  Rob.     




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