Hi Leanne,  I signed up for the list about a month ago.  I always just read and 
never respond but decided to write you.  molera is the open fontanelle in a 
puppy chi's head.  Most pups close up at a young age but some take longer.  
Some never close but that is rare and there is no need to worry about that. 

If you feel comfortable giving her nutri cal everyday until she's a bit bigger 
go ahead it won't hurt her.  Even if she's eating it won't hurt her.  She prob 
wont need it if she's eating enough but again it won't hurt to give her just a 
dab on her gums if that makes you feel less concerned.  

It is perfectly normal to be nervous about a new pup especially one so tiny.  
Just keep loving her and doing what you're doing and she'll grow.  Just keep an 
eye on those worms.  They are not the same as coccidia and they will need to be 
treated if she in fact has them, probably roundworms or whipworms and they can 
be easily gotten rid of with wormer.  The vet will prob be able to treat her at 
her next visit, she will prob be a bit heavier then. 

Linda and chis Tuff and Dez  

"The Most Important Things In Life Aren't Things" 

----- Original Message -----
From: "leanneb65" <leanne...@gmail.com> 
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 11:23:21 PM 
Subject: [Chihuahuas] A couple more questions, please 


I really do hate to be a bother. I do use the search link to find answers when 
I'm freaking out. 
What the heck is Molera and is it something to be worried about? Do I need to 
wrap my pup in bubble wrap to protect her? 

Also, how much nutri-cal is to much? My lil pup has been doing good for the 
most part. I dont think she likes her food crushed up and softened as she 
doesnt eat much. But I dont want her to choke again. So I finally got some 
nutri-cal today. If she gets that will that prevent her from eating her food? 
We left again today at 5pm and got home at 915pm. I gave her a small taste of 
the nutri cal but also put some fresh softened food in her crate and water too. 
When we got home she was wide awake, she always shakes a lot when we first get 
home assuming she is excited. 
We noticed she didnt really eat any of her food so my son held her and she ate 
about a half of a teaspoon full. Would that be enough? If she isnt eating the 
food should I then give her the nutri cal? 
Reading the tube it says to give her a 1/4 teaspoon daily per pound of body 
weight daily. I thought it was for blood sugar emergencies. 

Every night I come home and she is awake and we take her out of her crate and 
she will run around with us but she doesnt seem to eat much. And I loose a lot 
of sleep worrying about her and what will happen in the morning. The food we 
have her on is Diamond Puppy. Is it possible she just doesnt like her food all 
that much? Could it be the coccidia or the tape worms? Am I just being 

I have resorted to taking my anxiety meds at night just to get some sleep. I 
say a little prayer then say it is what it is and then go to sleep. 

Am I a nut or what? And I have read and reread over some of my posts and what 
others say. 


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