Noodles and pasta for which dating codes are not known are probably Yoshon 
if purchased up to Nov 15.

Noodles and pasta under the following brand names have a Chodosh packing 
date of Nov. 12. The code for each is 1316 (1=year, 316=day of the year.) 
The brands are Prince, Creamette, Goia, Ronzoni, San Giorgio, P&R, Light N' 
Fluffy, Ideal, American Beauty, Skinner.

Noodles and pasta under the following brand names have a Chodosh packing 
date of Nov. 1. The code for each is 110103xx (11=November, 01=date, 
03=year+2, xx=numbers that are not important.) The brands are Ronco, 
Pennsylvania Dutch, R&F, Luxury, Globe A1, Anthony, Mrs. Gross.

Pathmark noodles and pasta has a Chodosh packing date of Nov 1, code Nov 1, 
2003 (2 years after packing.)

Pillsbury white home baking flour and bread flour in 5 pound bags for home 
baking from factory A contain 50% spring wheat. The Chodosh packing date is 
Sept 18, code I1A18 (I=Sept in alph. Order, 1=year, A=factory, 18=date.)


The Guide listed several bakeries and other establishments as being Not 
Recommended due to lack of information. This was due to the fact that 
information about their Yoshon arrangements was not received at the time of 
the printing of the Guide. The following establishments have now provided 
information about their Yoshon arrangements. They will be listed in the 
next issues of the Guide in the section of establishments where the kashrus 
supervision does not take responsibility for Yoshon.

Kaff Bakery 4518 Ft. Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn (718) 851. All items made 
in the bakery are Yoshon as in the past years. The kashrus supervision of 
this store does not take responsibility for Yoshon.

King David Bakery, 77-51 Vleigh Place, Flushing, Queens, NY (718)969-6165. 
All items in the store are Yoshon. So far as we know, the kashrus 
supervision of this store does not extend to Yoshon.

Ostrowizky's Heimishe Bakery, 1201 Ave J, Brooklyn, was listed in the Guide 
as Not. As in the past years, all items baked on premises are Yoshon. The 
kashrus supervision of this store does not take responsibility for Yoshon.

Queens Kosher Pita, 68-38 Main St. Flushing, Queens, NY (718) 263-8000. All 
items made in the store are Yoshon, including pita, chaleh, cakes and other 
items. The kashrus supervision of this store does not take responsibility 
for Yoshon.
Bread Basket Bakery is listed on page 38 of the Guide as been Not 
Recommended for lack of information. In fact this is an error. The correct 
listing is on page 30 of the Guide as BBB Bakery, Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi Gornish.



The Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to paid subscribers on Monday, Sept 24. 
The following are corrections and additions to the Guide.

The following is reprinted from Yoshon Update #1 of the Kashrus Council of 
Canada (COR of Toronto):
Robin Hood Multifoods: Old Mills Oats, Robin Hood, first 3 digits must be 
252 or lower for Yoshon.
Robin Hood Organic Oats-Imprinted code must be 1252 or lower.
Robin Hood/Monarch retail flour (excluding cake, pastry and organic). If 
the last character of the code is S then the first 3 digits of the code 
must be 232 or lower. If the last character is M, it is still Yoshon. Robin 
Hood/Monarch retail cake and pastry flour, the first 3 digits of the code 
must be 246 or lower. Robin Hood/Monarch retail organic flour, the code 
must be 1232 or lower.

Quaker Oats oats manufactured in Canada are Yoshon at least to be beginning 
of October.

Five Roses flour is still Yoshon.

Presidents Choice (COR 123) products are still Yoshon. Will change soon.



Michyo Pita was listed in the Guide as Not Recommended for lack of 
information. The information has now been received that all regular and 
whole wheat pita is Yoshon as in the past years. No hashgocho for Yoshon.

Flour USA packs high gluten flour in 5 and 6 pound brown bags that are sold 
in grocery stores in the New York City area. All bags that state Yoshon on 
the bag are Yoshon without hashgocho for Yoshon.



A repeat of the news printed below: Freshly baked bakery products may be 
Chodosh at this time, everywhere in the USA. From this time on, it is 
advised that only Yoshon bakeries should be used.

The Guide the Chodosh went to the printer today. It is expected back, on 
Tzom Gedalya, Thursday, evening. It will be available for purchase that 
evening outside my home, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey. It should be mailed to the 
other dealers and the individual paid subscribers within a few days. 
Meanwhile some of you with E mail service are able to request (free of 
charge) an unformatted, text file version of the full Guide by sending a 
message to:


On the first line of the message type:
get Guide.txt

(This only works if you copy the message exactly, including 
capitalization.) The file is large, 182 KBytes. It will be sent to you by 
return E mail. However, some E mail systems, such as Juno may not allow you 
to receive such large files. In a few days, I will try to subdivide the 
file to four smaller ones so that these restricted systems should also be 
able to received this version of the Guide in installments.



The following is a summary of the information as known at this time. Please 
remember that all dates given here are early estimates and are subject to 

The Guide to Chodosh is now estimated to be available in printed or E mail 
form, approximately right after Rosh Hashanah. We can not print it earlier 
due to the fact that the dates that are known so far are not firm enough. 
However, be warned that some foods may be Chodosh already, as noted below.

Fresh baked bread and other bakery products in the Mid West, including 
Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and Minneapolis, are probably Chodosh starting 
Aug 27. For the East and West coasts, the probable Chodosh date for freshly 
baked products is Sept 13. For packaged products using spring wheat, the 
probable Chodosh packing date is Aug 26. The probable Chodosh purchase date 
is Sept 17. The same estimate also holds for noodles and other pasta. THIS 

For oats cereals by brand name the Chodosh packing dates are: Arrowhead 
Sept 5,  ConAgra Oct 1, Ralston Oct 15, General Mills Oct 1, Maypo Sept 25, 
Quaker and HO  Aug 21. For other brands, the oats are probably Chodosh if 
packed after Sept. 21. For each of the above, the probable Chodosh purchase 
dates are about 2 weeks later than the packing dates.

For barley by brand name the Chodosh packing dates are: Quaker  Oct 15, 
Goya Oct 1, Trinidad, Benco, Peak, Jack Rabbit are all Aug 20. Arrowhead 
Aug 1. The probable packing date for other barley is Sept 15. For each of 
the above, the probable Chodosh purchase dates are about 2 weeks later than 
the packing dates.

Some of the home baking flours that are Yoshon at all times: Kemach and 
Haddar under hashgocho for Yoshon, Ceresota, Heckers and Pathmark white flours.

Natural Ovens Bakery breads are NOT Yoshon at this time.

Yoseph Herman


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