1 Dec 03

The second issue of this seasons Guide to Chodosh has gone to the printer and is due back Tuesday, Dec 2. It will (BEH) be mailed to the subscribers and local Guide distributors later this week, a few days later than the Dec. 1 expiration dateof the first issue of the Guide.

This years Guide has the first major change of format in the 31 years of its publication. We have assigned one of 5 categories to each items listed in the Guide, indicated by the Hebrew letters aleph, beis, gimmel, daledand ches. These are measures of the reliability of the claim to Yoshon and the ease of finding the Yoshon item in the stores. These symbols work fine in the printed and PDF versions of the Guide. However, they are lost, replaced by ?in the text only version.

To order the text only version to be sent to you automatically, send an E mail message to:


In the body of the message type:

Get Guide.txt

Make sure you capitalize as shown. DO NOT send this request to the yherman E mail address.

To order the PDF version, send an E mail message to <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] In the subject line, state that your are requesting the PDF file. We will try to send this file to you as an attachment by return E mail as soon as possible. Over the last few weeks we have not responded to requests for the PDF file. However, within the last 24 hours most of the people who requested a PDF file in the past should have already received the PDF version of the latest, second issue of the Guide. We will try to respond more rapidly in the future to such requests.

The following is a reprint of the list of updates and changes as printed in the new Guide.


WARNING: Some people use non-stick sprays, such as Bakers Joy during baking. Many of these contain flour which may be Chodosh. We hope to look into this further in the near future and publish our findings on the Hot Line and in the next Guide.

WARNING: × Windmill Farms organic breads that use wheat flour have a Yoshon label and may be Chodosh. We are now working with the company to check the Yoshon status of these flours. The conclusions will be publicized via the Hot Line news recordings and by E mail.


Ó Arrowhead Mills code changes: Barley Chodosh date Dec 1, code Dec 1 05 (2 years after packing). Cereals: Check ingredients. For oats the Chodosh date is Sept 23. The probable Chodosh date for spring wheat is Aug 15. The following hot cereals still have a code 1 year after packing: Four Grain Cereal Plus Flax, Seven Grain Cereal, Wheat Free 7 Grain Cereal, Rolled Barley Flakes, Old-Fashioned Oatmeal, Rolled Oat Flakes. The following have a code 18 months after packing: Bear Mush, Bits o Barley, Oat Bran, Oatmeal-Instant, Steel Cut Oats, All cold cereals still have a date 1 year after packing. Vital Wheat Gluten date is 2 years after packing.

Ð Aunt Gussies spelt cookies and cakes that use spelt but no wheat, oats or barley are Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the Star K.

Ó Aunt Gussies products that contain wheat are probably Chodosh starting a packing date of Sept 1, code Mar 1 04 (6 months after packing.)

ÑÐ Bagel Distribution Inc. frozen institutional packages of bagels Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K with Yoshon label on the case. For information, call 973-824-5115.

Ò Bagels & More chalehs and rolls are always Yoshon.

Ó Barbara cereals. The code is uncertain. We are trying to get full details from the company. When and if the full code becomes known, we will detail it in updates on the News section of the Chodosh Hot Line and by E mail.

Ò Benzs kishke is always Yoshon.

× Benzs barley can not be recommended Yoshon until we receive further updates.

Ð Dr. Praeger gefilte fish (but not other fish products) is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. Unger of New Square.

× Dr. Praeger fish products may be all Chodosh at this time according to the mashgiach, with the exception of gefilte fish which is always Yoshon. The mashgiach could not provide any package codes and advises that they should all not be used as Yoshon.

ÑÐ Empire cheese blintzes are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yehuda Shain. Other Empire blintzes are Chodosh.

Ð Gefen barley packed on Nov 18, 03 (code 18 NO05, 2 years after packing) is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Shimon Perez of Minneapolis.

Ò Gefen cookie and cake mixes, including oatmeal cookies, are always Yoshon (without hashgocho for Yoshon). Also Yoshon are Gefen Soy Sauce, Gefen cereal, and Gefen soups including those in a cup Gefen barley packed before Nov 18 is Yoshon at this time without hashgocho. For those packed on or after Nov 19 call the Hot Line.

Ó General Mills flours from factory GF have a Chodosh packing date of Oct 8. For Gold Medal whole wheat flour this has a package code of Apr 8 04 (6 months after packing). For the Gold Medal all purpose and grocery bread flours the code is Apr 8 05 (18 mont.

Ó Glicks Graham cracker pie crust probably Yoshon up to a packing date of Aug 15, code 8/15/04 (1 year after packing).

Ó Goodmans noodles and other pasta. The code is uncertain. We are trying to get full details from the company. When and if the full code becomes known, we will detail it in updates on the News section of the Chodosh Hot Line and by E mail.

Ñ Hadar products, ALL products, under the KAJ hashgocho should be assumed to be Yoshon only if there it states Yoshon on the label. (We keep getting phone calls about this.)

Ð Home Style Cookies. The ones made in Israel under the hashgocho of Rav Landau of Bne Brak are Yoshon.

× Home Style Cookies coming from Cornwall, NY are probably Chodosh at this time (×).

Ñ Kemach. Many listings have been updated. See individual sections which are marked as being revised.

× Heimishe Lokshen from Monsey is probably Chodosh at this time. No code available.

Ó King Arthur flours. The following flours use spring wheat. The Chodosh packing date is Sept 1, code Sept 1 04 (1 year after packing). Stone ground whole wheat flour, whole wheat flour, special for bread machine flour.

× Kineret products can not be recommended as Yoshon until further updates are received from the mashgiach.

× Kosherrific products can not be recommended as Yoshon until further updates are received from the mashgiach.

Ó La Choy soy sauce contains no wheat. Check the ingredients If it contains no oats or barley then it is Yoshon without hashgocho for Yoshon.

× Landau whole wheat pasta by the Landlev Co. is Chodosh as of a purchase date of Nov 1.

Ñ LeChaim Fruit Bars. Those with Yoshon printed on the label are Yoshon. In addition, all those for which the code begins with 2(which means the year 02) are also Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of the Mechon LHarooh of Monsey.

Ð Liebers ice cream cones, licorice and candies are always Yoshon.

Ñ Liebers cookies and cereals not containing oats are Yoshon at this time, but it is not known how much longer they will remain Yoshon.

× Liebers cookies and cereals containing oats are Chodosh. All other Liebers items, not listed in the above 3 paragraphs can not be recommended as Yoshon until further updates are received from the mashgiach.

Ó Manischewitz noodles and pasta code has changed. The probable Chodosh date is Sept 15, code 2585 (258=day of the year, 5=year+2).

× Natural Ovens breads are all Chodosh at this time.

× Old City products can not be recommended as Yoshon until further updates are received from the mashgiach.

× Old City Café products can not be recommended as Yoshon until further updates are received from the mashgiach.

Ð Osem Cus Cus from Israel under the hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerushalaim is Yoshon.

Ò Paskesz noodles and pasta is Yoshon, without hashgocho for Yoshon.

Ó Pasta dating code for the following brands of pasta has changed: Anthony, GlobeA1, Luxury, Mrs. Grass, Mueller, Pasta LaBella Pathmark, Pennylvania Dutch, R&F, Ronco. For all, the probable Chodosh date is Sept 15, code Sept 15 05 (2 years after packing).

Ó Quaker cereal entries on the Quaker table on page 25 of the last issue of the Guide has many mistakes. Those have been corrected in this issue. Quaker Hot Oats cereals made in Canada and sold in the USA have a Chodosh packing date of Sept 15, code Mar. 8 05. Quaker barley Chodosh packing date is earlier, Nov 4, code Apr 27 05.

Ò Rice Dream does not contain any wheats, oats and barley and is Yoshon.

Ð Ryvita crackers from England are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Beis Din of London.

Ð Sea Castle frozen fish products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KAJ.

× Setton products other than licorice can not bet recommended as Yoshon until further updates are received from the mashgiach.

× Smackin Good potato knishes are confirmed Chodosh. Other Smackin Good products can not be recommended as Yoshon until further updates are received from the mashgiach.

× Unger pizza crust, tart shells and French fries with flour in them are all not Yoshon at this time, according to the mashgiach. The mashgiach could not provide any package codes and advises that they should all not be used.

× Unger barley is probably Chodosh at this time according to the mashgiach.Apparently, some claims are being made that Ungers barley is Yoshon. It is advised that consumers should only rely on the word of the Mashgiach, Rabbi Mordechai Unger, the person chosen by the company to represent them on halachic matters.

× Weinz cookies from Canada are not Yoshon according to the mashgiach. The mashgiach could not provide any package codes and advises that they should all not be used as Yoshon.

Ó White Rose barley has the Chodosh date of Sept 15, code Sept 15 04 (1 year after packing.)

Ò Windmill Farms spelt breads without wheat are Yoshon. (However those that contain wheat may be Chodosh, even though they have a Yoshon label. See Warning above.)


Ó Pizza Time, 1324 Ave J, Brooklyn, NY 11230 (718) 252-8801. All items, with possible exception of pasta products, are Yoshon.

Ò Tam Eden Bakery, New Square Shopping Center, 318 Jefferson Ave, New Square, NY 10977 (845) 354-8083.

Kehilah Kashrus (Brooklyn) listings have been updated.


The latest available Chodosh Bulletins of the COR of Toronto and of the Montreal Kashrus Council have been reprinted in Section 4.13 below.



A wonderful idea has been implemented over the last several years by Mrs. Nelkin of Baltimore that deserves praise through emulation. She has an informal service she calls The Yoshon Exchange. Some people by may have stored up more Yoshon than they can finish by pesach. Others sometimes have run out of stored Yoshon supplies. Alternately, sometimes a person has a guest who only eats Yoshon and is unable to find Yoshon barley for the cholent or noodles for the soup. The Yoshon Exchange may be a solution. Those who have excess stored Yoshon food or food that they can spare, would call the Yoshon Exchange to register their available supplies. Those who need Yoshon call the same Exchange to see who may have such food to spare. The Yoshon Exchange merely acts as a shadchanor matchmaker. It never gets involved with the purchase or storage of the supplies.

We would like to encourage the spread of the Yoshon Exchange from Baltimore to other regions. The local distributors of the Guide that are listed in Preface D.2 below have agreed to serve as the Yoshon Exchange for their respective local cities (Yerushalaim not included). We suggest that all those who have extra Yoshon supplies call the local dealer listed for their city to registerthese supplies. Those who have have run out Yoshon items can call the same people to see if there is someone who has the items to spare. It is suggested that the one who gets the new items pay the original purchase price for it. If the price is not known, it may be possible to return an equivalent package after pesach.

Just one word of caution to those taking Yoshon food from others via the Yoshon Exchange. In Section 2.2 below we discuss how to avoid worm problems in stored food. Be sure that the food that you get was stored properly, such as in a refrigerator or freezer, or with other precautions. This is particularly important with barley and pasta that is prone to worm infestation.

This years Guide has the first major change of format in the 31 years of its publication. We have assigned one of 5 categories to each items listed in the Guide, indicated by the Hebrew letters aleph, beis, gimmel, daledand ches. These are measures of the reliability of the claim to Yoshon and the ease of finding the Yoshon item in the stores. These are lost, replaced by ?in the text only version.

To order the text only version to be sent to you automatically, send an E mail message to:


In the body of the message type:

Get Guide.txt

Make sure you capitalize as shown. DO NOT send this request to the yherman E mail address.

Meanwhile we plan to disseminate information on a frequent basis via E mail and news recordings on the voice Hot Line (845-356-5743). If you find the frequent E mails annoying, you may unsubscribe from the E mail list, as described below.



Those who wish to order the 3 printed issues of the Guide to be printed through the season should send a check for $15 to our new address. (This address is only for subscription-related matters.) Project Chodosh subscriptions, PO Box 297279, Brooklyn, NY 11229.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from this list by sending a message to:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can request several reports by sending an E-mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then in the body of the message type the command: "get" (without the quotes) followed by the name of the file that you want. Type each request on a new line. Make sure that you copy the file name exactly as spelled including capital letters. These reports are now available:

Get Guide.txt

This gets the text-only version of the latest Guide to Chodosh.

get Guidelines.txt

This gets a long report on Guidelines to Mashgichim on Chodosh. This has not been updated in the last two years, but is still substantially valid.

get News.txt

This gives the latest news bulletin, such as this note.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any movement

or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us to use

their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides free email

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