25 July' 05





The latest crop statistics have been received from the United States the Department of Agriculture.  According to their data the following are the estimates of percent Chodosh in the four major crops of interest. All USA grown crops are mostly Chodosh except for oats. Hard red spring wheat (for example use for bread and chalehs) 61% Chodosh.  Durum spring wheat (use for pasta noodles) 63% Chodosh.  Barley 56% Chodosh.  Oats 32% Chodosh. The oats harvest has begun after the week of July 17.  By July 17 about 22% of the new oats have been harvested.  Canadian notes will be most to Chodosh as usual.




Even though the USA oats crops are mostly Yoshon this year, this should have no practical advantage to the Chodosh consumer.  There are at least two main reasons for this.  Firstly, even if we could be sure that the oats used in our food are grown in the USA, nevertheless it is still proper to be machmir and not to use these oats after the Chodosh season begins.  This is based upon the tshuva that we received from Harav Moshe Feinstein ZTL many years ago when there was also a majority of Yoshon for the Chodosh crops. (For reference, see Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah, Chelek 4, Tshuva 46).  Secondly, even companies that claim to use USA grown oats do occasionally mix in some Canadian notes which are a majority of Chodosh even this year.  Therefore the Guide will continue to treat oats as all other crops that will be a problem that the Chodosh season begins.  Please note that the oats harvest has begun as of the week of July 17.  That means in theory that at least by early August some Chodosh products that use such oats may be already on the marketplace.  At this point we have no further information.  As more information becomes available will pass on to you in e-mails such as this.




The Guide to Chodosh is scheduled to be published approximately in mid-September as usual.  We cannot publish the Guide earlier even though for the consumer it to be more useful earlier, since no sufficiently reliable information will be available until sometime in September.





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