6 Dec 04


The second issue of the Guide to Chodosh has been sent to the printer. It is already available from local dealers in Monsey, Brooklyn and Lakewood. The other  local dealers and individual subscribers should be getting the new Guiders after I get the main shipment back from the printer around Dec 8.


The electronic version of the new Guide in PDF format is available now for request by E mail or dialup computer. There are now 3 ways you can get electronic versions of the Guide to Chodosh and the Mashgichims Guide.

1)      Send a blank E mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the Guide, and [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the Mashgiachs Guide

2)      Send a blank E mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the Guide, and [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the Mashgiachs Guide

3)      Avoid E mail, and dial directly into our BBS, using the instructions at the end of this Bulletin.



THE FOLLOWING IS THE LIST OF CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS FROM THE SECOND GUIDE. (Some of these items were sent out in earlier E mail bulletins, others are new.)




Three dates are significant regarding malt.

1.   Dec. 15 is the earliest date that malt manufacturers start shipping out Chodosh malt to manufacturers to include in their food products.

2.   Jan. 15 is the probable packing date when Chodosh malt first starts being packed into packaged products.

3.   March 15 is the estimated purchase date when more than half of the malt containing products on the store shelves may contain Chodosh malt. Therefore, after March 15 it is recommended that malt problem products should not be purchased unless a known dating code indicates that it was packed before Jan. 15.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Most years some people assume that malt is not a significant problem because most malt is probably Yoshon up to Mar. 15. (We advise in any case that the Mar. 15 rule should not be used when dating codes are known.) This year, since pesach starts Apr 6, malt could be more of a problem than usual and items that could have Chodosh malt should be stored up in time.

DETAILS: We never found any malt manufacturer that begins to ship Chodosh malt from the new barley crop earlier than Dec. 15. The malt is then shipped, Dec. 15 or later, to other factories that begin to use it in the end products. Therefore, by the terminology established in the Guide, all malt in foods is definitelyYoshon before Dec 15. Up to Jan. 15 such malt is probablyYoshon. (It should be noted that in 2003 we did find a single exception to our Dec 15 rule. Namely, during the 2003-4 season, the malt supplied to the various Kellogs factories in the USA and Canada switched to malt made from Chodosh barley in early November. That seems to have been an exceptional situation. This year they are back to the normal situation, with a malt Chodosh date for Kellogs of Jan. 15.)

The following applications of malt pose a problem of Chodosh. Malt is used for several purposes. Foods using malt for flavoring or coloring should not be used if packed after Jan 15 since that malt may be Chodosh. That includes cereals flavored with malt such as Corn Flakes and Rice Crispies, as well as most pretzels where it is used for coloring and flavoring. Beer is also included in the category of items which are Chodosh because of malt. (In the case of beer, we recommend that the Dec 15 date should be used, not the probable date of Jan 15.)  In addition there are specialty vinegars such as malt vinegar, terragon vinegar and salad vinegar which are made with high concentrations of malt. However, permitted are most vinegar-based items such as ordinary household vinegar, and condiments such as ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, etc.

In the past, we had urged our readers to avoid many items that contain barley malt. We have received psak halochos several years ago that many of these are not a problem so far as the malt content is concerned. This includes baking flour that lists barley malt in the ingredients. (We have included dating codes for some baking flour for those who do not want to rely on this psak that this malt may be used. Call the Hot Line for details of this psak.)

If you know the dating code for an item that has a malt problem, then you should avoid this item if it was packed on or after Jan. 15. If the dating code is not known, then we recommend that the item may be purchased up to Mar. 15.



Previous issues of the Guide have had 2 indexes, (1) an alphabetic index of products and establishments and (2) a category index, sorted by the categories Ð, Ñ, Ò, Ó. Now we have added a third index for your convenience. This is a subject index which should allow you to quickly find in the Guide the locations of different categories of items. See the back of this Guide. We also made an other change as the result of a suggestion called in to the Hot Line. We printed on the top of each index page the type of index contained on that page. We hope you find these changes useful.







(Each of these changes have been entered into the Guide at the appropriate location.)


WARNING: The former G&I Bakery in Queens, NY is out of business. The new "Moshe's G'n I" is operating as a retail business only. All G&I  or Moshe's G 'n I products in their own store or sold in other groceries should be assumed to be Chodosh except cakes. The medium challehs, and 2 pound rye breads WITH YOSHON STICKER ONLY" are Yoshon. Some Yoshon chaleh rolls are also available.


WARNING: Ostrowskys Heimishe Bakery, 1201 Ave J in Brooklyn was subject to a mistake and as a result was selling six-grain bread as Yoshon. In fact this bread is Chodosh. This error has since been corrected.


Arrowhead Mills spelt is Yoshon.

Barbara cereals update: For the following cereals: Shredded wheat, Cinnamon Puffins, Peanut Butter Puffins, Vanilla Almond Shredded Oats,  if they contain wheat the Chodosh code is Apr 20 05. If they contain no wheat but do contain oats then the code is May28 05. For the following cereals: Shredded Spoonfuls, Puffins, Shredded Oats, Organic Crispy Wheats, 2 Good Rice and Oats cereal, Honey Crunchn Oats, Organic Wild Puffs, Grain Shop if they contain wheat the Chodosh code is May 20 05. If they contain no wheat but do contain oats then the code is Jun 28 05. For the following cereals:  Honey Nut Toasted Oats, Apple Cinnamon Toasted Oats, Organic Purity Punch, Breakfast Os, Brown Rice Crisps if they contain wheat the Chodosh code is Aug 20 05. If they contain no wheat but do contain oats then the code is Sept 28 05.

Barilla pasta packages have a best by use date. However, the code in the Guide is still being used on the package and should be used for Chodosh purposes.

Beechnut baby cereals in boxes, the code has changed. The code on the package is 2 years after packing. For ingredients containing wheat, the probable Chodosh code is Aug 20 06. For cereals containing oats but no wheat, the code is Sept 28 06. For those that contain barley but no wheat or oats, the code is Oct 1 06.

CANADA: This issue of the Guide, in Section 4.13 presents the recent Chodosh bulletins issued by the kashrus organizations of Toronto and Monteal.

Duncan Hines cake mixes have a code that is 2 years after packing. Therefore, the Chodosh code is Aug 20 06. The code for brownies, cookies and muffins is not yet known.

Eden pasta available in bulk packages as Yoshon, with Yoshon makings only,  from Bertran Co., 3401 Tremley Rd., Linden NJ, 908-862-8200.

Gefen Update: All pasta except tricolor and penne will be Yoshon regardless of codes at least up to a purchase date of  Jan 31 05. Gefen cup soups will be Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of Feb 15 05.

General Mills oats cereals have the Chodosh packing date of Nov 15. For General Mills Berry Burst Cheerios, use the 248 day values in the Genral Mills cereal code ttable of Section 3,11.

Glicks Chow Mein Noodles may not be Yoshon as of a purchase date of Nov 9.

Gold Medal all purpose flour from factory KC is from winter wheat. The Better For Bread flour from factory KC is Chodosh starting with a packing date of Aug 1, code Feb 1, 06KC.

Goldbergs New York Kosher Bagels, 708 Reisterstown Road, Baltimore, (410)415-7001. Bagels only are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore.

Healthy Delight Sufflet may be Chodosh at this time according to the Star K.

Jerusalem II Pizza, 1424 Ave M, Brooklyn, under the hashgocho of Rav Gornish. The spicy fries may be Chodosh. Please see applicable signs posted in the store.

Kellogs cereals, the malt date for all cereals is Jan 15. Kellogs cereals sold in Israel and Europe are all Yoshon under the Hashgocho of the Manchester (England) Beth Din.

Kemach updates: One pound packages of spaghetti, macaroni and lasagna have a Chodosh code of 11/01/05. Ten pound packages of pasta with code ending in Z have the Chodosh code of 3064 31Z (306=day of year, 4=year, 31=not important, Z=company). Soup mixes: vegetable, minestrone mix, noodle soup mix, onion soup mix are all Yoshon as of Nov 2. At the time of this printing, code is only known for the vegetable soup mix. It is 3006 (300=day of year, 6=year+2). Kemach Bunch of Krunch is a new cereal. Its Chodosh code is Oct 15 05 (1 year after packing). Flat bread all Yoshon at least to a purchase date of Oct 31.

Korns retail bakery at 4322 15th Ave Brooklyn is Yoshon, without hashgocho for Yoshon.

Landau (Landlev Corp) whole wheat pasta is Yoshon to pesach. Also Yoshon are whole wheat pretzels and spelt pretzels. Oats pretzels or oat bran pretzels are Chodosh.

Mendelsohn new line of Mealtime Favoratesis Yoshon as stated on the label.

Mishpacha barley is probably Chodosh at this time.

Morning Flakes oats cereal sold in Israel and Europe is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Manchester (England) Beth Din.

Nature Valley Granola sold in Israel. A special batch of this product was made especially for sale in Israel. This batch has the O-U hashgocho and a Yoshon label in Hebrew. With such a Yoshon label, this is Yoshon under the O-U hashgocho.

Old City Café frozen pizza products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.

Oronoque Pie Crust code has changed. The probable Chodosh date of Aug 20 has the code of M9 4 233 (M9=not important, 4=year, 233=day of the year.)

Pillsbury flour code has changed. The code on the all purpose grocery flour is 18 months after packing. The Chodosh packing date for mill A is Sept 1, giving the code of  March 1 06A. For the grocery bread flour from this mill the code is 12 months after packing, giving Sept 1 05A. These flours from mill E are both Yoshon. We have been unable to get information about Pillsbury whole wheat flour.

Post Honey Comb Shredded Wheat cereal is made by Ralston. It uses winter wheat.

Postum beverage: The date on the package is 3 years after packing. The probable Chodosh code is Aug 20 07.

Quaker oats hot cereals made in Canada have the Chodosh code of Mar 17 06.

Reisman-Kiryat Yoel Bakery. Rye breads sold in Monroe are NOT Yoshon. Rye breads sold elsewhere, as well as all other baked products even in Monroe, are Yoshon.

San-J tamari and other soy type sauces are all aged and are probably Yoshon.

Scottos Fat Free Biscotti and other cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof K.

Shoprite (Wakefern) cereal update: Hot oats cereals in small packets and canisters have a code that is 18 months after packing for codes ending in the letter N. Probable Chodosh code is Mar 28 06. For the hot oats without N at the end of the code, the date is 2 years after packing, Sept 28 06.

The Baker baked products are still not recommended as Yoshon.

Tradition Soups code has changed. The new code for the probable Chodosh date of Aug 20 is 2334 (233=day of the year, 4=year.) However, the company plans soon to revert to the code that is in the Guide, month and year 2 years after packing.

Wan Ja Shan aged soy sauce is Yoshon. The first issue of the Guide misspelled this item.

We have received confirmation from the O-U that the ingredients listed as food starchand modified food starchare not Chodosh. These usually are from corn.


CHICAGO CORRECTIONS: The following are corrected listings:
  • Ð Chaims Kosher Bakery, 4956 Dempster, Skokie.  Under the hashgocho of the CRC.
  • Ñ Bagel Country, 93-6 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL 60076 (847) 675-1005., baked goods only, under the hashgocho of the CRC.










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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.



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