*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net

The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the new season was sent to paid
subscribers during the week of Sept 26. The following are additions and
corrections to the new Guide.

*New additions which did not appear in the last Bulletin, are marked with an

* *


We reported in the last Bulletin that the starting date for Chodosh oats in
all Quaker cereals is later that the original estimate. The Guide has Jul 26
for the Chodosh date for oats for Quaker. Based on the estimate of the O-U,
for *cereal manufactured in the USA* the revised estimate is Oct 1. This is
still only an estimate and it may be extended to a later time as more
information becomes available from the mashgichim in the field. *However for
the Instant Oats cereals manufactured in Canada* we now have a firm date
that is *earlier* than our estimate in the previous Bulletin. This date is
Sept 27, as confirmed by the COR, the kashrus organization in Toronto. For
specific package codes, see Quaker under Section 8.1, below.

* *

* *


*Section 4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers*

>**Kemach* Whole wheat crackers are Yoshon and have a Yoshon label. Other
cookies and crackers are that contain malt but no oats are Yoshon at least
until malt becomes a problem. For Kemach flat bread, the tentative Chodosh
code is 17 Sept 13. This may be updated to a later date in the future.
Kemach bread sticks are Yoshon the entire season. The mashgiach for all
Kemach products is Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*Section 4.6 Matzos*

>**Kemach* matzos, matzo meal including spelt are always Yoshon under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*Section 5.1 Noodles and pasta*

>**Barilla* pasta. Some people have received 10 pound packages of Barilla
pasta whose code does not match the code in the Guide. Call the company at
800-922-7455 to ask if the code on your package indicates whether it was
packed before Aug 22 and would be Yoshon, or on Aug 22 or later and may be

*Section 5.2 Chow mein noodles*

>**Kemach* Chow Mein Noodles have a Chodosh code of Aug 30, code 3011H
(30=day, 11=year, H=Aug in alph order.)

*Section 6.2 Whole wheat flour*

>**Trader Joe* white whole wheat flour, the correct code I Aug 15 ’12 (1
year after packing.)

*Section 6.3 High gluten flour*

>**Kemach* high gluten flour is Yoshon, including the malt.

*Section 6.5 Cake and other mixes*

>*Duncan Hines* mixes. Brownies and muffins have a Chodosh code for wheat of
Feb 15 ’13 (18 months after packing). All other items except cookies have a
Chodosh code of Aug 15 ’12 (12 months). Cookies can be either 12 or 18
months, call the company about the cookie of interest to you.

*Section 8.1 Cereals*

>**Kemach *Cocoa Munchies cereal does not contain wheat starch nor any other
wheat product. Therefore, it is Yoshon at least until the malt may become a
problem in December.

>**Kosher Mills* oatmeal cereals are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
Badatz of Yerushalaim.

>**Quaker* cereals. (See note above.) The O-U has estimated that the Chodosh
starting date for the oats in Quaker cereals manufactured in the USA has
been extended from Jul 26 (our early estimate) to at least Oct 1. This only
applies to oats in such cereals. Any cereal that contains any wheat
products, including wheat starch, has the earlier  wheat Chodosh date of Aug
15. In the Quaker table on page 36 of the Guide, change the oats column
entries to reflect the new Oct 1 date, which at this time holds for cereals
sold in the USA and made in the US: 180 days=March 28 ’12;  240 days=May 27
’12;  270 days=Jun 26 ’12;  360 days=Sept 24 ’12;  540 days=March 23 ’13.
For the Instant Oats cereals manufactured in Canada, the COR of  Toronto has
a firm Chodosh packing date of Sept 27. This translates on a code on the
package that is 540 days later, namely March 19 ’13.

*Section 9.1 Frozen and other packaged foods*

>**Kemach* pie crusts. The Chocolate pie crust is always Yoshon as stated on
the label. For the Graham Cracker pie crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The
malt may be Chodosh starting a packing date  of Dec 15 code Dec 9 ’12 (360
days after packing.)

>*Pepperidge Farms* products Chodosh code 8-15-12 (1 year after packing)

*Section 9.3 Soups and soup mixes*

>**Kemach *minestrone soup mix the Chodosh code is 2583 (258=day of year,
3=year+2). For vegetable soup mix the Chodosh code is 2563.

>**Kedem* soup mixes, the corrected code should be 12281 (1=year, 228 =day
of year, 1=not important.)

*Section 12.1.2  Wholesale Bakeries-New York City area*

>**Fifteenth Ave Food Corporation* and all its brand of baked products under
the labels of Korn, Sterns, Kohen and New York Kosher. Every item produced
by this company is Yoshon, without exception.

*Section 12.1.4 Restaurants and pizza shops-Brooklyn*

>*Ave P Appetizer*, 460 Ave P is no longer under the hashgocho of Kehila
Kashrus. Not recommended until hashgocho clarified.

*Section 13.3 California*

>*Love Bakery*, Los Angeles P is no longer under the hashgocho of the RCC.
Not recommended until hashgocho clarified.

*Section 13.5 Chicago*

>**EJ Kosher Pizza*, only the pizza is Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the
CRC of Chicago.

*Section 15.2 Canada*

>* The COR, the kashrus council in Toronto, has issued their first Yoshon
Update of the season. Contact the COR for details.

* Denotes items new in this Bulletin.


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