*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>


The new, second issue of the Guide is being sent to the printer. Those who subscribed, as well as the local distributors in various cities should receive the printed copies during the week of Nov. 9.

I will send out a new notice when this Guide will be available for download by email.




The first issue of the Guide had many items marked with ?* or ?*. The “*” indicated that the Yoshon nature of those items has not yet been confirmed at the time that the first issue was printed. In this second issue all such “*” designations have been removed. If the Yoshon status has now been confirmed then that item remains listed in the “?” or “?” section without a “*”. Otherwise, the item was moved to the ? or ? designation, or completely deleted from the Guide.


For malt and beer derived from barley malt, most years we used December 15 as the packing date after which the malt may be Chodosh. This has been consistently reported as being reasonable. However, the last two years we were surprised to learn that at least one major source of malt began to use the Chodosh crop much earlier. Therefore, we were forced to adapt the earlier malt Chodosh date of Oct 15. Anticipating that this year may also see an early start of Chodosh malt production, we again used Oct 15 as the tentative malt date in the first issue of this year’s Guide. However, it appears that this year the normal situation has been restored. Therefore we will resume using Dec 15 as the Chodosh _packing_ date. We will again advise that where package codes are not known, it is safe to assume that whatever has been _purchased_ by March 15 will still contain Yoshon malt.


4. Baked Products <#_Toc234724385>

*4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers* <#_Toc234724386>

* *

*? Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*? Kemach* all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up to a code of Dec 15 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Dec 15, code Dec 15 10 (1 year after packing.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*? Kitov *products may be Chodosh according to Rabbi Gissinger

*? Liebers* cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless they contain oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*? Nabisco Triscuits* are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.

   /_4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips_//__/

*? Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps*, the wheat is Yoshon, the malt may be Chodosh. Package code for the malt Chodosh date of Dec 15 is July30 10 (9 months after packing).

*4.6 Matzos* <#_Toc234724391>

*? Shibolim matzos* whole wheat, light whole wheat and spelt are all Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerusalaim.

*4.7 Spelt baked products* <#_Toc234724392>

*? Shibolim spelt matzos* Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerusalaim.

*5. Noodles and other pasta <#_Toc234724393>***

*5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons* <#_Toc234724394>

*? Chuster noodles and pasta* and *Landau made by Chuster* Co. all products Yoshon till Oct 31. Chuster items with Yoshon label, Yoshon to pesach. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Avrohom Z. Glick.

*? Dependable* pasta, noodles, egg barley in bulk packages are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

*? Eden pasta* Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Sept 29, code 9272 (9=year, 272=day of year). Yoshon hashgocho, Rabbi Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav.

*? Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*? Kemach* Egg noodles and farfel Yoshon even without a Yoshon label at least until a purchase date of Dec 31, after Dec 31 with Yoshon label only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 09/01/11 (2 years after packing). Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*? Masbia* pasta, noodles, egg barley in bulk packages are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

*? Ronzoni *Garden Delight and Oven Ready pastas Chodosh code is Aug 16 11 (2 years after packing.)

*? Vitelli noodles and pasta* Chodosh code Aug 16 2012 (3 years after packing.)

*? WalMart Great Value *Spaghetti and macaroni Chodosh code Aug 16 11 (2 years after packing). For other items call the company at 877-505-2267. Have the product UPC code to give to the agent.

*5.2 Chow mein noodles* <#_Toc234724395>

*? Kemach *Chow Mein noodles Chodosh date Aug 29, code 2909H (29=date, 09=year, H=Aug in alph. order.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*? Streits Chow Mein* noodles are Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of 
Jan 31 2010, under the hashgocho of  Rabbi Soloveichik.

6. Home baking products <#_Toc234724397>

*6.1 All purpose white flour* <#_Toc234724398>

*? Best *flours with a Yoshon label are all Yoshon. However, note that _Kamut_ is NOT Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber.

*? Dependable* all purpose flour in 5, 6, and 7 pound bags are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. B. Klein and Rabbi B. Taub.

*? Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*? WalMart Great Value* flour with a “W” in the code, the wheat is always Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the O-U. The malt may be Chodosh after October. Code not yet available.

*6.2 Whole wheat flour* <#_Toc234724399>

*? Best *flours with a Yoshon label are all Yoshon. However, note that _Kamut_ is NOT Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber.

*? Dependable* whole wheat flour in 5, 6, and 7 pound bags are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. B. Klein and Rabbi B. Taub

*6.3 High gluten or bread flour* <#_Toc234724400>

*? Best *flours with a Yoshon label are all Yoshon. However, note that _Kamut_ is NOT Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber.

*? Dependable* high gluten flour in 5, 6, and 7 pound bags are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. B. Klein and Rabbi B. Taub

*? Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*6.6 Baking sprays* <#_Toc234724403>

*? Glick’s Baking spray* may be Chodosh.

7. Home cooking <#_Toc234724405>

*7.1 Barley* <#_Toc234724406>

BUGS WARNING: We have come across a kashrus alert newsletter that warns that bugs have been found in some heimishe brands of barley (no names were given). Barley should be checked for bugs. _It is important to note_ that this is _not a Yoshon-generated problem_, especially since it occurred very early in the Chodosh season.

*? Dependable barley* Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. B. Klein and Rabbi B. Taub

*? Eden barley* is Yoshon the entire season. It is packed in 1 pound packages and is available primarily to food service customers, very limited amount to grocery sales. Yoshon hashgocho, Rabbi Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav.

*? Mishpacha barley* is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KAJ, even without a Yoshon label.

*7.2 Bread and corn flake crumbs and matzo meal* <#_Toc234724407>

*? Pereg* bread crumbs may be Chodosh, unless the package states product of Israel and has a reliable hashgocho for kashrus. No codes given.

8. Cereals and other grain products <#_Toc234724410>

*8.1 Breakfast cereals* <#_Toc234724411>

*? America’s Choice* (by A&P, also sold in Pathmark and Waldbaums) oatmeal cereals have the Chodosh code of Jul 26 11 (2 years after packing.)

*? Dependable farina* Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. B. Klein and Rabbi B. Taub

*? Erewhon* cereals, see U. S. Mills.

*? General Mills cereals* correction: Many cereals, such as most (if not all) forms of Cheerios, contain wheat or wheat starch in addition to oats. For these cereals, the effective, Chodosh packing date is is that for wheat, Aug 9. The package Chodosh code is given in the table in the Guide under “wheat”. Those that _contain oats but not wheat_, the Chodosh packing date for the oats is Sept 15. (Note that the oats Chodosh packing date for companies other than General Mills still remains at Jul 26 unless noted otherwise.) The table for oats (no wheat) is amended as follows 310 days=Aug 31 10, 341 days=Oct 1 10, 372 days=Nov 1 10. For General Mills/Nestle Cheerios cereals with wheat, the Chodosh code is Aug 16 10. The exception in MultiGrain Cheerios, code Jun 13 10.

*? Kashi cereals*. With the following exceptions, the code date on all cereals is 12 months after packing. That includes all cereal bars. The exceptions are Golean Rolls-8 months, Soft Baked cereals-10 months, Pilaf-24 months. For the effective Chodosh code, add these amounts of time to Jul 26 for cereals that contain oats, or to Aug 9 for wheat but no oats.

*? Kemach *Toasted _oats_, Honey Nut Toasted Oats, _Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch_ (like Honeycombs), _Corn Crisps_ (like Kix), _Bunch ‘O Krunch_, all have a Chodosh date of Sept 21 10. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*? Nature Valley granola* bars with wheat in the ingredients, Chodosh code is Aug 16 10. For those with oats but no wheat, the code is Nov 1 10.

*? Quaker* oats cereals made in Canada have a Chodosh packing date of Sept 11. Therefore, Quaker cereals made in Canada and sold in the USA for which the code is 540 days would have a Chodosh code of Mar 5 11/

*? Shoprite* hot oats cereals, all hot cereals the Chodosh date is Jan 26 11, 18 months after packing.

*? Taanug* cereals with wheat but no oats. There was a mistake in the first issue of the Guide. The Chodosh code should be Aug 9 2010 (1 year after packing.)

*? U. S. Mills cereals*. All cold cereals, including Uncle Sam have a code 12 months after packing. For oats this would be a code of Jul 26 10. For wheat but no oats, the code Aug 9 10. The Erewhon hot cereals, oats cereal is also 12 months. For the Erewhon Brown Rice and also the Barley Plus cereals, the code is 8 months.

*? WalMart Great Value* products: Quick oats Chodosh code Jan 22 11 (545 days after Jul 26). Bran Flakes Aug 9 10 (12 months after packing), Farina Aug 9 11 (2 years after packing), For other items call the company at 877-505-2267. Have the product UPC code to give to the agent.

9. Prepared foods <#_Toc234724414>

*9.1 Frozen and packaged foods* <#_Toc234724415>

? *Bodek* egg rolls may be Chodosh according to Rabbi Gissinger.

*? Dependable wraps* Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. B. Klein and Rabbi B. Taub

*? Frankel’s Home Style* all items Yoshon except ravioli, under Rabbi Yechiel Babad.

*? French’s French Fried* onions Chodosh code Aug 9 11 (2 years after packing.)

*? Glick’s Graham Cracker Pie crust.* No code has been given to help determine when it may start becoming Chodosh.

*? Kemach* graham cracker pie crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Dec 15, code Dec 15 10 (1 year after packing.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*? Kineret, Kosheriffic* Lite fish sticks and onion rings, are always Yoshon. Pizza and other items Yoshon status nor known. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*? Old City Café and Upscale Foods* products with a Yoshon label, such as frozen pizzas, pizza bagels, burritos and enchiladas are Yoshon, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*? Smackin Good* potato knishes always Yoshon, waffles and pancakes status not known. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*? Tuv Taam* meals and other packaged products with an OK Labs hashgocho and a Yoshon label are Yoshon under the OK Labs.

*? Unger’s frozen* pizza dough Chodosh code D9247 (9=year, 247=day of year). Regular and whole wheat pizza crust Chodosh code January 19 2010. Frozen pie shells and tart shells, Chodosh code 09259 (09=year, 259=day of the year.) Under the hashgocho of the New Square Kashrus Council.

*9.3 Soups and soup mixes* <#_Toc234724417>

*? Kedem soups* Chodosh code 92281 (9=year, 228=day of the year, 1=not important)

*? Kemach soup mixes* in tubes. Ministone Chodosh code 2681 (268 day of year, 1=year+2). For the vegetable soup, the code is 2661. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*? Liebers soup mixes* have a Chodosh code of 09x33 (09=year, x=any single digit, 33=week of the year.) Soups in cups may be Chodosh. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

_9.6 Baby Foods_

*? Beechnut baby cereals*. Oats cereal in boxes or jars, Chodosh code Jul 26 11 (2 years after packing.) Barley cereal in boxes Chodosh code Aug 16 11 (2 years after packing.)__

11. Professional bakery flour and other bakery ingredients <#_Toc234724429>

*WARNING: Puratos* Bagel Improver is a dough conditioner that is used by several bagel shops. Even though the company may claim that it is made from winter wheat, the Kof-K that provides the hashgocho for this product will not certify that claim. Therefore, as of a packaging date of Aug 9, this item may be Chodosh. The code for Aug 9 is 08099221 (08=month, 09=day, 0=year, 221 not important.) Yoshon stored supplies of this item are available from Velenti Co. 718-565-1300 speak to Bob Cory. Please check with your local bagel shops. Many may not be aware of the fact that this or other dough conditioners may be Chodosh!


12. Metropolitan New York City Area <#_Toc234724431>

*12.1 Brooklyn and Manhattan and Staten Island* <#_Toc234724432>

12.1.1 Catering and takeout <#_Toc234724433>

*? Tiferes Mordechai* catering Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Usher Eckstein.

12.1.3 Retail bakeries <#_Toc234724435>-Brooklyn

*? Friedman’s Discount Market, *Dairy Baked Products* *under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yehiel Babad.

*? Schreiber’s Bakery*_ _14th Ave, all products Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Usher Eckstein

*?** Yefraim Bakery* not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of information.

*? Yossie’s Heimishe Bakeries* in Brooklyn at 18^th Ave, 13^th Ave at 38 and New Utrecht Ave: starting Nov 1 all challahs, cookies, cakes, muffins, rugelach, regular and whole wheat are Yoshon. However health breads and filled pastry cigars are not Yoshon. In the takeout areas of Yossie’s, all prepared foods including wraps are Yoshon. However, items containing pasta may be Chodosh. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Usher Eckstein.

12.1.4 Restaurants and pizza shops <#_Toc234724436>-Brooklyn

*? Bagel Bite *not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of information.

*? Kaff’s Café* Not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of hashgocho information.

*?** L’Esti *not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of information.

*? Milk and Honey Pizza*, Brooklyn. All pizza products are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Usher Eckstein

*? Naim Pizza *not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of information.**

*?** Pizza King *not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of information.

*? Simon Sez Café and Pizzeria*. Not recommended pending clarification of hashgocho.

12.1.5 Kew Gardens, Kew Gardens Hills, Other Queens and Long Island <#_Toc234724437>

*Steinberg’s* bakery should be a catergory ?, under hashgocho for Yoshon, only with a Yoshon label.**

*Zomick’s * bakery should be a catergory ?, under hashgocho for Yoshon, only with a Yoshon label.

_Queens, NY_ update. The following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens: ? Great Neck Pizza, ? Strauss Bakery Great Neck, ? Bagel Mentch except whole wheat, ? Shop Delight except baguettes, ? Benny’s Pita and Pizza, ? Benjys (not Benjy’s 2), ? Queens Pita, ? Pita Hot, ? Grill Point, ? Naomi’s Pizza, ? Shimon’s Pizza.

The following in _Queens are not recommended_ as Yoshon due to insufficient information about Yoshon hashgocho: Abraham Bakery, Bagels and Co., Beigels Bakery (Fresh Meadows), Café Muscat, King David Bakery, Kosher Korner, Main Street Bagels, Mendy’s Pizza, Moshe’s GNI Bakery.

_Five Towns Update:_ All of the following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns

*? Ab Food Services*, 802 Hicksville Road, Far Rockaway (and takeout at Kosher World 1913 Cornaga Ave., Far Rockaway) is Yoshon , except for the dry cereals.

*? Bagel Delight*, 598 Central Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon except for the kaiser rolls, onion buns and crooissants and some packaged foods.

*? Bagel Island*, 480 Rockaway Tpke., Lawrence is Yoshon.

*? Brach’s Supermarket* 11 Lawrence La., Lawrence (only this store): takeout dept is all Yoshon. fish dept. is Yoshon. bakery dept is all Yoshon, unless specifically labeled as non-yoshon ( such as multi grain bread or tribecca bread). appetizer and sushi depts are Yoshon, with the possible exception of pie crusts. (the chinese noodles used in the prepared salads may be Chodosh)..

*? Burgers Bar*, 531 Central Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon except for the hamburger buns and kaiser rolls. Ask

*? Central Perk*, 105 Cedarhurst Ave., Cedarhurst, is Yoshon except for the hamburger and hot dog buns and wraps


*? Cravingz** *410 Central Ave., Lawrence is Yoshon except for the chinese noodles.

*? David’s Famous Pizza* 580 Central Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon.

*? Fusion Toast Bar* 442 Central Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon.

*? Gotta Getta Bagel* 1039 Broadway, Woodmere is Yoshon.

*? Gourmet Glatt Emporium* at 137 Spruce St., Cedarhurst, - takeout of Chap-A-Nosh all products are Yoshon with the possible exception of pie crusts. Smply Sushi is Yoshon. Shwartz's Appetizing is Yoshon. Bakery is yoshon (see Zomicks) except multigrain bread. Ossies fish department is _not_ certified as yoshon.


*? Hapina Steakhouse* 128 Cedarhurst ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon except for the hot dog and hamburger buns.

*? Jerusalem Famous Pizza*, 344 Central Ave., Lawrence is Yoshon.

*? Kosher Pizza World* 1913 Cornaga Ave., Far Rockaway is Yoshon.

*? Mom's Pastries*, 517 Central ave., Cedarhurst, is yoshon.

*? Off the Grill*, 600 Central Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon except for the hamburger buns.

*? Pizza Pious*, 1063 Broadway, Woodmere is Yoshon.

*? Sharmel Caterers* 3436 Lawson Blvd., Oceanside is Yoshon. Please ask mashgiach for any possible exceptions.

*? Shloimys Heimeshe Bakery* 536 Central Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon except for the 6 grain and multigrain breads.

*? Shnitzel Time*, 206 Rockaway Tpk., Cedarhurst is Yoshon except for the hamburger and hot dog buns.

*? The Coffee Bar* 345 Central Ave., Lawrence is Yoshon.

*? Traditions Restaurant*, 302 Central Ave., Lawrence is Yoshon except for the hamburger and hot dog buns.

*? Yossis Grill* 140E Washington Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon except for hamburger and hot dog buns, knishes, and whole wheat wraps and whole wheat pita.

*? Zomicks*, 85 Inip dr., Inwood - all products are Yoshon except multigrain bread.

12.2 Monsey <#_Toc234724438>

? *Grand Bamboo* is NOT Yoshon.

? *Purple Pear* Restaurant, Monsey. All items made in store are Yoshon. Not Yoshon are pennini, other breads, bread balls. Hashgocho of Rabbi Zishe Blech.

*? Rugelech Bakery* claims to be Yoshon. However the only known hashgocho is the CRC that does not certify Yoshon.**

12.3 Upstate New York-Catskills <#_Toc234724439>

*? Main Street Pizza*-Fallsburg Not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of hashgocho information.

*? Moshe’s Pizza*-Monticello. Not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of hashgocho information.

*? Raleigh Hotel*-Fallsburg. Not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of hashgocho information.

12.4 New Jersey <#_Toc234724440>

_LAKEWOOD:_ GENERAL NOTE: We find it somewhat surprising that of all places, in Lakewood the least percentage of the facilities that claim to be Yoshon actually have an hashgocho for Yoshon. It would not be unreasonable for the Yoshon consumers in Lakewood to request the same degree of supervision that other communities take for granted and try to avoid eating Yoshon items produced without hashgocho for Yoshon.

*? Gruenebaum Bakery* see Gelbstein.

*? Taste Bud Restaurant. *Chodosh according to Rabbi Gissinger.

_MANAPALAN: _*? Just Good Food Restaurant* Chodosh according to Rabbi Gissinger.

_PASSAIC:_ *? Main Ingredient, ? Prima Pizza* (only items produced in the store. Knishes and other items brought in from elsewhere may be Chodosh) Yoshon under the hashgocho of ARK:

13. Other USA Cities <#_Toc234724441>

*13.3 California* <#_Toc234724444>

*Los Angeles* area, the following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the RCC: ? 
Classic Le Palais, Reniassance, The following are Yoshon under the Kehilla of 
Los Angeles: ? Love Bakery-all items baked there, and ? Jerusalem Pizza and 
Sushi-only the pizza, ? Universal Bakery

*13.4 Cleveland area* <#_Toc234724445>

*? The Bagel Shoppe* located in South Euclid Ohio is no longer Yoshon.

*_15.3 England_*

*Federation of Synagogues, London. *All packaged products with the Federation’s KF symbol are always Yoshon, whether sold in Israel or elsewhere.


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