Is the RSS icon in the screenshot there just a holdover from your doing this
and the feeds discussion at the same time? I would assume yes, but I wanted
to make sure that I wasn't missing something.

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Peter Kasting <>wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Nick Baum <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've posted a document that describes how we could better support
>> bookmarklets:
>> Let me know if you have any feedback!
> From a UI/mock perspective, the chevron reminds me of the Windows Quick
> Launch bar chevron, and I would expect things to work similarly:
> * The chevron only appears when there are more icons hiding
> * All items in the dropdown menu get an icon (we give ones without one a
> default "page" icon a la tabs with no favicon -- this also sidesteps your
> comment about only being able to promote bookmarklets with icons)
> * I can easily make this area bigger/smaller or manage the icons in it and
> its dropdown (you allude to this at the end as a possibility, I would want
> it for sure, probably via drag-and-drop; and I would want to be able to move
> things from the main bar into the dropdown, not just the other way)
> I suggest "Delete" instead of "Remove..." for consistency with Windows UI.
> It would be nice to support dragging bookmarklets to the bookmarks bar
> since that is what people expect in current browsers.  If we want to enforce
> a single point of UI access for them, we could then animate the bookmarklet
> "flying" over to the chevron and blink the chevron or something.  We should
> also think about how the UX will work when importing bookmarklets from other
> browsers.
> A la the search boxes of Fx 2+ and IE 7+, we could subtly highlight the
> chevron when on a page that provides some bookmarklets the user doesn't
> have, and/or append a section to the bottom of the dropdown like "Add <xxx>"
> where <xxx> is a bookmarklet the page contains.
> PK
> >

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