Actionable items for keeping the tree green (in addition to blaming the
WebKit gardener for [insert action here]):

   - *Get people putting in chromium patches upstream to run their changes
   through trybots, etc*. imo, patches from @chromium folks cause well over
   50% of the grief with WebKit rolls (and usually the worst issues like
   - As Adam suggested, *make changes to the WebKit commit queue to run
   items through the chromium try bots*.
   - *WebKit gardeners should be able to submit high priority jobs to the
   try bots*. These jobs should job to the front of any queues so that they
   run asap.
   Why? Time is critical when doing the gardening because if you find a
   breakage upstream, you need to check in a fix and then roll to that fix. The
   longer the delay, the more likely another breakage will be checked in.
   - *Consider auto-rolling WebKit deps*. Have the something like a parallel
   buildbot that runs against tip of tree WebKit. If everything passes except
   layout tests, add any layout test failures to test_expectations.txt (if
   there are less than 15) and roll DEPS on passing. If things fail, then turn
   - *Make it easier/faster to disable tests and file bugs about them *(using
   the last person in the "blame/annotate" for the test as the initial assignee
   or auto-assign it to the sheriff so (s)he can assign it to the right person)
   * *because issues will slip from WebKit rolls even though the gardeners
   try to be thorough. Also, this should help with turning the tree green in
   other cases as well.

The sheriff (and everyone on the chromium team) should care about the WebKit
roll as this is critical to the success of this project. Frequent rolls,
should isolate issues and hopefully help to keep the tree green.
To help shed some light on why WebKit gardening is more painful than

   1. WebKit gardeners are all alone in trying to deal with things.
   2. When things go bad on the canary, no one shuts down the tree for you
   and any changes to help with merging are not given priority (if the tree is
   red and you have an innocuous change to fix the webkit merge, you won't get
   it in.)
   3. When tests fail anywhere (on the canary, when committing the roll,
   etc.), you have to figure out why, typically for a lot of changes that you
   know nothing about.
   4. Two days of gardening -- multiple days of clean up afterward.
   5. WebKit gardening occurs more often than sheriff duties.
   6. afaik all WebKit gardeners also have sheriff duties.

Net: chromium sheriffs please be willing to give a little extra help to the
WebKit gardener. Remember that their hair is turning white as they try to
run in front of a locomotive.


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