Ok, tried the "copy installed version files, and run from separate
directory" option and failed.

I installed the stable version of chrome (into %user%\AppData\Local
\Google\Chrome) and then moved the files to a separate folder (c:
Added a batch file:

start C:\chrome\Stable\Application\chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:
\chrome\Stable\Application\User Data"

and it ran fine with the exception of the update mechanism failing (as

I then did the same with the beta channel, and it too worked fine.
However when I tried to run the Stable version it failed completely.

I can only assume there's a registry entry that chrome.exe looks for
to make sure it's running the correct executable. But all the paths
have changed so the registry entry must contain a unique id, or hash,
of the executable to run :(

I don't really want to go down the separate windows users accounts
path (logging in and out just to test a feature is a hassle (yes, I'm
lazy)). So it looks like the only solution is the build (chromium)
from source suggested by Meok.

I found  the pre-compiled chromium builds at
http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/snapshots/chromium-rel-xp/, but
alas they don't appear to have the builds I need (chrome-dev
== chromium build 34023, but build-bot only has 34018 and 34025, both
of which are marked as 4.0.267 in the about dialog).

Does anyone know where I can get precompiled builds of chromium that
match the released version of chrome?

- karl


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