Nice job with the extension gallery! It looks nice and I think it'll shape
up into a great place to find and publish extensions. I released a few
upgrades to my extension a couple weeks ago and have some comments based on
my experience... I hope they can be taken into consideration to make the
gallery even more effective.

   1. There needs to be a way to contact people who comment on your listing.
   Most people report bugs by leaving a comment and not going to the support
   link. Developers need a way to contact them, other than by posting more
   comments- users don't go back to them very often.
   2. Updates are very hard to test if you didn't upload your own private
   key when first releasing the extension. I didn't upload one, so I have no
   way to build the extension with the live extension ID except by publishing
   the extension to everyone. I also can't download old versions of the
   extension from the dashboard. Together, this makes it difficult to test
   upgrade and migration code. I need to maintain my own list of old extension
   versions that are built with a separate testing key, hoping that they
   reflect what's released. I think this is an important issue... we should
   either be able to download the private key, or better yet, we should be able
   to install the new extension from the dashboard before publishing it, along
   with historical versions.
   3. The release work flow is not very clear. This builds off the last item
   a bit. My understanding of it is that after I upload a new version of the
   extension, people can't actually download it until I click publish, but part
   of the main page updates before hitting publish (like the version being
   displayed... but not the version being downloaded). Right now the work flow
   seems centered around designing the listing page, but we should think of it
   as an overall release work flow.
   4. There should be a way to roll-back or revert a particular version.
   This item combined with (3), (4) and the auto-updating makes for a very
   stressful upgrade process. If there's a bug that we didn't catch, which is
   more likely because of the difficulty in testing, people immediately start
   upgrading to it. Testing and fixing this could take a while one again
   because of (3), so sometimes its nice to be able to pull a version. I'm
   scared to hit unpublish- I don't know what it does (probably because the
   workflow is unclear)( other than pull the entire listing.
   5. It would be nice to see more statistics for both the ratings and users
   in the developer console. For example, how many people rated it 0,1,2,3...,
   or how ratings and users change over time.

I hope these comments are useful.

Happy new year,



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