So if I add permissions for every domain, this error goes away and the
executeScript works perfectly (my callback is called). But window.focus
() still doesn't work, presumably because Chrome is blocking the pop-
up-like behavior of my extension.

What I'd really like is for the 'updateInfo' parameter of the function to take a 'selected' field; then I'd be
done without all this hackery.

Are there any other restrictions like pop-ups that Chrome enforces on
normal pages? Maybe there could be a permission for extensions to
relax these?

On Jan 9, 1:31 pm, Brett Slatkin <> wrote:
> The permissions error I get for executeScript is:
> Error during tabs.executeScript: Cannot access contents of url 
> "";. Extension manifest must request permission to access
> this host.
> So I guess I need to put "http://*/*"; in my permissions list?
> On Jan 9, 1:16 pm, Brett Slatkin <> wrote:
> > I'm having this same issue. I can't manage to cause a window to focus.
> > Using executeScript with that causes a security error, even though my
> > manifest says :
> > "matches": ["http://*/*";, "https://*/*";, "file:///*", "ftp://*/*";],
> > Now I'm sending a message to a specific tab with
> > chrome.tabs.sendRequest and this results in an untraceable error,
> > covered by this issue:
> >
> > TypeError
> > arguments: Array
> > message: "Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined"
> > stack: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined at
> > chrome-
> > extension://iiblabjehfmonfbnnkmbh…"
> > type: "non_object_property_load"
> > I'll see if I can isolate it more.
> > On Jan 6, 7:51 pm, Evan <> wrote:
> > > Thanks for the tip Aaron but the behavior is the same, using
> > > console.log() I can see that the window.focus() is executing in the
> > > tab but the window does not change.
> > > ... any other tips out there, I really am stumped on this one :|
> > > Evan
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