Thank you, Finnur, but removing registry key doesn’t remove extension
info (including state=2) from Preferences file.
Step by step:
1.      Add this reg to the registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"path" = "C:\\extensions_chrome\\MyExtension\\ MyExtension.crx"
"version" = "1.1.1"

2.      Start Chrome. MyExtension appears.
3.      Go to chrome://extensions/ and remove MyExtension. Close Chrome.
4.      Delete aagbnokmnbhigpnpbjpaplncekccjbkb under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

5.      Restart Chrome.

Now info about MyExtension is still present in Preferences file under
“extensions” -> “settings” -> “aagbnokmnbhigpnpbjpaplncekccjbkb”. How
do I remove this info?

On 11 янв, 04:44, Finnur Thorarinsson <> wrote:
> Yes. This is expected behavior. This mechanism is designed to give
> installers the ability to install extensions for Chrome and for the user to
> say: I don't want this extension.
> The installer can uninstall the extension by simply removing the registry
> key and doing so does not leave this state=2 flag in the preference file.
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