Thanks for the potential workaround Daniel! Sorry for more questions but
what do you mean exactly by getting a content script for the iframe? If you
could explain this a little further I would greatly appreciate it!

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 5:42 AM, Daniel Wagner-Hall <>wrote:

> Yeah, unfortunately that is the bug I linked to - Adam is working on
> populating the information about the frames (including things like
> iframe.window/iframe.window.document) - the best I can offer for now
> is set your content script's all_frames to true, so you get a content
> script for the iframe (you'll need a way of determining which it is)
> and communicate via that.
> 2010/1/20 Mike Mitchell <>:
> > Not sure if this is holding me back because I can actually get at the
> > iframe. It's just it's document that I can't get at the moment. From
> > searching on the web it seems IE and FF have different ways of doing this
> so
> > is there a chrome specific way? I just want to get at elements within the
> > iframe by document.getElementById(). maybe there is another bug for this
> but
> > it seems like a reasonable thing to be able to do.
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 3:08 AM, Daniel Wagner-Hall <>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> 2010/1/19 mike <>:
> >> > This question may be slightly involved but let me first provide the
> >> > context.
> >> >
> >> > The extension is a toolbar like the StumbleUpon toolbar. My background
> >> > page gets a JS file which constructs a an iframe (with PHP source) to
> >> > be appended to the top of the page. The background page then passes
> >> > this script to the content script and the content script embeds the JS
> >> > file script into the page. At this point you can see the toolbar at
> >> > the top of the page. Now the challenge is modifying fields on the new
> >> > toolbar.
> >> >
> >> > I'm curious where I should do this from or if it is possible. after
> >> > appending the the script to the page in my content script I try to do
> >> > document.getElementById() but get null. when and from where will the
> >> > newly added iframe be available via DOM access? Please let me know if
> >> > there is anything I can clarify here. Any help is much appreciated!!
> >> > Thanks.
> >>
> >> I would guess you're being held back by
> >> which means
> >> you can't access the iframe from your content script at the moment...
> >
> >

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