That link was wrong too, it's, oh well.And while the 
nuclear weapons don't get used there is from what I have learned an 
extensive ongoing and expensive maintenance/replacement program underway 
so you are paying for that weither you like it or not. I am not, but 
since you seem to be convinced that they can obligate you, please don't 
let me interfere with your concience.

 btw I am not providing anything more than speculation upon the motives 
of others, nor am I invested in ANYTHING at all, including your 
corporate US govt whose debts you seem to feel obligated to pay, and 
since you are so convinced that the you should pay those debts I really 
hope you find another way of being, but I can sound anyway I choose, 
simply because I have a good vocabulary.

The subgenius floundation is not in Dallas anymore either it is now in 
Cleavland Heights Ohio and while it may be cultish, there has been 
extensive court drama around the concept and it has been wiseley 
determined that the sub-geniuses are nothing more than a fan club or 
maybe just an art movement. And since both JHVH-1's saucers and Planet X 
are on their way, I am not really concerned with your feebile concepts 
of who I may or may not be. But remember what Jesus said about the 
narrow road and the number finding that road. It is obvious that one 
size doesn't fit all.


muckblit wrote:

> --- In <>, 
> Synthetic Sound <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, that's
> "su" stands for super-user aka god aka sysadmin, if not Michael
> Riconisciuto hisself.
> Thanks for the link. Now I don't have to worship Billy Beck or Bill
> Bottoms or Delmart Vreeland or webfairy or slasher or gritzle or
> wiolawa, I can just worship the Super User aka sudoer.
> How do you know that replacing a lot of expensive things that never
> get used is cheaper than storing them, as far as replacing the nukes?
> You sound more like the person who is more invested in the war
> profiteering system than me, a lifetime pursuer of alternatives, not
> to say a complete hedonist like your JR Dallas-based sub-genius cult.
> Or perhaps you meant to give us only two choices, pay up for new nukes
> or suck up to JR Dallas sub-genius and cult. Sounds like a narrow way
> to me, as in one size fits all. I would rather serve the local sudoer
> in a spirit of Suzuki's being and not belonging, or survival, as it were.
> -Bob

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