"Greg Palast is reporting that in Colorado, Republican Secretaries of
State have quietly purged one in six names from their voter rolls.
What do you think are the odds that most of those purged voters are
Democrats?...Palast is also reporting that more then 2.7 million newly
registered voters have had their registrations rejected under new
procedures signed into law by President Bush."

My CIA drug refugee's teacher checked several days before the
election, and sure enough her name had been removed from the Virginia
registration database due to slander. She disproved the slander of her
non-residency with documents, but could not get her registration
re-instated. That arbitrary defiance exposed dictatorship.

Some people only voted for president. This election, those only voting
for president were more likely to vote for Obama than McCain. All
Virginia voters were asked if they were voting on everything or only
for president. If only for president, they were given a different card
which set up only the presidential vote. Presumably everyone who voted
for Democrat Mark Warner for US Senator also voted for Barack Obama
for president, and then some only voted for Obama for president and
not for Warner or for any other office. How then did Warner end up
with 20% more votes than Obama? Maybe everyone who took that card to
only vote for president had their vote deleted.

How else than by dictat could primitive diesel cost more than
gasoline? How else than by dictat could a falsely unregistered voter,
after showing documentation of entitlement to register, be refused
re-instatement to registration, except by dictat? How else but by
dictat could voters choosing Obama and Warner be counted, but
additional voters only voting for Obama not be counted as well, so
that instead of Obama receiving more votes than Warner as expected,
Warner received more votes than Obama as if votes for Obama alone had
been deleted because of that different setup card?

Ultimately Virginia went for Obama, but only because the lesson of
2000 and 2004 was that if you want to win, you have to beat election
fraud by an absolute landslide. I submit that votes for Virginia for
Obama should have been as much as 10% more than for (Obama and)
Warner, yet were 20% less instead. Anomaly!

A vast number of Obama signs were stolen from very public locations as
well as private property, including two from people's yards where I live.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Robert Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
> > Date: November 3, 2008 9:25:05 AM PST
> > Subject: Vote Flipping in NINE States, Turning Votes for Obama into  
> > Votes for McCain
> >
> > Vote Flipping & Vote Fraud In 9 States, Stealing Votes From Obama
> >
> >
> >
> > Vote flipping and vote fraud has been documented by voters in 9  
> > different states with early voting. The overwhelming number of  
> > reports of vote flipping have come from voters trying to vote for  
> > Barack Obama.
> >
> > Could this actually be happening in America in 2008?
> >
> > With only two days until the election, Barack Obama appears to be a  
> > lock to win the election.
> >
> > Electoral-vote.com has Obama with 364 electoral votes and McCain  
> > with only 171. But massive, widespread vote flipping and vote fraud  
> > could still steal this election from Barack Obama.
> >
> > Vote flipping in the 2008 election was first reported in West  
> > Virginia.
> >
> > The Charleston Gazette is reporting that at least three early voters  
> > in West Virginia are testifying that they tried to vote for Barack  
> > Obama, but the electronic voting machine switched their votes to  
> > John McCain.
> >
> > West Virginia voter Virginia Matheney stated this about her attempt  
> > to vote for Barack Obama: "When I touched the screen for Barack  
> > Obama, the check mark moved from his box to the box indicating a  
> > vote for John McCain."
> >
> > What 81 year old Calvin Thomas told the Gazette is even more  
> > troubling: "When I pushed Obama, it jumped to McCain. When I went  
> > down to governor's office and punched [Gov. Joe] Manchin, it went to  
> > the other dude. When I went to Karen Facemyer [the incumbent  
> > Republican state senator], I pushed the Democrat, but it jumped  
> > again."
> >
> > Rather than fade away, reports of vote flipping in West Virginia  
> > became more prevalent.
> >
> > Now voters in SIX West Virginia counties are reporting vote flipping.
> >
> > Voters in Jackson, Putnam, Berkeley, Ohio, Monongalia and Greenbrier  
> > counties, all using ES&S iVotronic voting machines, are reporting  
> > that when they voted for one candididate the machine selected a  
> > different one.
> >
> > West Virginia is not alone. Daily Kos is reporting that hundreds of  
> > votes for Obama in North Carolina are not being counted because of  
> > confusion over the ballot.
> >
> > Vote flipping has also been reported in Davidson County, Tennessee.  
> > The following is the testimony of one voter:
> >
> > "A poll worker directed me to a touch screen voting machine &  
> > instructedme how t o use it. I touched "Obama" for president &  
> > nothing lit up. I touched 2 or 3 more times & still nothing lit up.  
> > I called the poll worker back over to tell him I was having a  
> > problem. He said I just needed to touch it more lightly. I tried it  
> > 2 or 3 more times more lightly with the poll worker watching & still  
> > nothing lit up. The poll worker then touched it for me twice —  
> > nothing lit up. The third time he touched the Obama button, the  
> > Cynthia McKinney space lit up! The McKinney button was located five  
> > rows below the Obama button. The poll worker just kind of laughed  
> > and cancelled the vote. He hit the Obama button again & it finally  
> > lit up. I continued on to cast the rest of my votes. After  
> > completing the process & reviewing my votes, I went to the VOTE  
> > page, hit the VOTE button & nothing happened. Again after several  
> > tries, I called the poll worker over & he finally got the machine to  
> > register my votes. Hurray — I voted! — or did I? I left the polling  
> > place feeling uncertain."
> >
> > Even Oprah Winfrey is reporting that the electronic voting machine  
> > did not record her vote for Obama on the first try:
> >
> > "When I voted yesterday electronically, the first vote that you vote  
> > for on the ballot is the presidential candidate. It was my first  
> > time doing electronic, so I didn't mark the X strong enough, or I  
> > held down too long. Because then when I went back to check it, it  
> > had not recorded my presidential vote."
> >
> > These are not isolated incidents. Reports of rampant vote flipping  
> > are now appearing from all over the nation:
> >
> > There are also new reports out of Texas and Missouri that vote  
> > flipping is taking place on ES&S iVotronic Touchscreens.
> >
> > MarketWatch is reporting that vote flipping has occurred in the  
> > states of Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Nevada, Colorado, Georgia.
> >
> > A county clerk in Colorado has removed a touch-screen voting machine  
> > from service after it was discovered to be flipping votes from one  
> > candidate to another.
> >
> > And vote flipping is not the only problem. Vote fraud is another  
> > huge problem early in this election:
> >
> > Greg Palast is reporting that in Colorado, Republican Secretaries of  
> > State have quietly purged one in six names from their voter rolls.  
> > What do you think are the odds that most of those purged voters are  
> > Democrats?
> >
> > Palast is also reporting that more then 2.7 million newly registered  
> > voters have had their registrations rejected under new procedures  
> > signed into law by President Bush.
> >
> > Even in New York there are problems. In Rensselaer County, New York,  
> > officials insist that the misspelling of Barack Obama's name as  
> > "Barack Osama" on absentee presidential ballots was an "innocent  
> > mistake".
> >
> > "It couldn't happen in America" you might say.....
> >
> > "We are the greatest democracy on earth" you might insist.....
> >
> > Well, the truth is that massive vote fraud took place in 2004.
> >
> > Just check out the evidence of massive vote fraud from the 2004  
> > election:
> >
> > http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/2004votefraud.html
> >
> > Just the other day new documents were discovered that reveal how  
> > Ohio routed 2004 voting data through a company that hosted external  
> > Bush Administration email accounts. Now isn't that a stunning  
> > coincidence or what?
> >
> > Are you just going to stand by and let them do it again?
> >
> > Even CNN is beginning to report on this phenomenon.
> >
> > The following video contains a CNN report on these voting machines  
> > that is absolutely stunning:
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot 5  
> > Travel Deals!

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