Historically I'm not sure any congressional committee or
even independent commission was anything but whitewash.
Iran-Contra, Warren Commission, just whitewash. Warren
Commission gave us 10,000 pages of facts but 911 commission
gave us almost nothing but evidence adding up to proof of

First there was a congressional committee investigation
by Porter Goss. That was so absurd, if only because Goss
had not recused himself, that the supposedly independent
commission did another investigation. We still do not
know what Goss and Pak ISI chief, Saeed Sheikh and KSM's
boss, ate for breakfast near the Pentagon 9/11/2001
while they were murdering eleven year old Rodney Dickens
and Asia Cottoms. Goss is not mentioned in the report,
and the report omits to specify that Saeed Sheikh and
KSM are Pakistani, or to list off their aliases such as
Sheikh's alias "Mustafa" as he was called by Zacarias
Moussaoui while Moussaoui calls Sheikh an FBI/CIA/MI6
asset and Pakistan's president calls him an MIb/CIA
asset while implicitly he was also a Pak ISI asset in
that context since Mahmud Ahmad was his official boss
during 911 and he was a Pak ISI asset through the India
kidnappings, and India Air hijacking.

For KSM and Saeed Sheikh to then collaborate on the
kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter
Daniel Pearl, in Pakistan of all places, when the 911
commission report has not told us that those two 911
figures are both Pakistani, is a bit disconcerting.
And we still don't know what Porter Goss and KSM and
Sheikh's boss Mahmud Ahmad had for breakfast in DC
the morning of 911.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "ruxpert" <homepu...@...> wrote:
> and the '911Commission' was a misdirection/Obstruction of Justice device, 
> not even tasked with finding guilt/WhoDid911? 
> The most immedieate prime crime of Obstruction of Justice Continues! 
> Who Did 9/11?   We Need To Know!
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LibertyBandwagon/message/34638
> ;-) 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: muckblit 
> To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 8:13 PM
> Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind
> I mean to say that last Tuesday, the DC sniper John Muhamed
> was executed in Virginia as a typical patsy who dies to end
> investigation of a larger government operation like JFK hit
> and OKCbomb.
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <muckblit@> wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/47787
> >
> > The 911 Commission report conceals the fact that both Khalid Sheikh Mohamed 
> > and Amed Omar Saeed Sheikh, KSM the mastermind and Saeed Sheikh the 
> > moneyman, both, are Pakistani. Additionally, the report leaves out the fact 
> > that Sheikh acted on orders from Pak intel chief Mahmud Amed
> > 
> > http://www.google.com/search?q=saeed+sheikh+pak+isi+mahmud
> > 
> > KSM attacked the World Trade Center with a truck bomb years before 911.
> > 
> > Daniel Hopsicker find more money coming from Lebanese, CIA, and Saudi 
> > sources in Florida. Although helping stage 911 for CIA, in exchange for 
> > quid pro quo of US liberating poppies from Afghan Taliban, Pakistan was not 
> > very involved in 911. Thus giving KSM the death penalty for 911 when he was 
> > not giving orders, while not prosecuting him for his role in FBI's WTCbomb 
> > false flag operation, ends up being a diversion by Eric Holder, especially 
> > if KSM and Sheikh are not being tried for the kidnapping and murder of Wall 
> > Street Journal report Daniel Pearl.
> > 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/47787

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