Hi Michael,

I don't think you have to worry about anti-semiticism
as we think of that as a softball and also because Jean
Bertel is long gone from here and he took his ball with
him so we can't play with it.

I hope it was in your 2004-5 context when Republican neocon
idealogues("lunatics") were working to associate Mexican
illegals and dope lords with the smuggling of dirty bomb
materials for, what else, muslim terror lords just doing
business with businesslike dope and human traffickers
along our southern border. They were also trying to sell
the notion of the big wall with sensors and video all the
way from the Gulf to Pacific, with the usual big contractors
paying for publicity of whatever kind. They did seem to step
over the line, the Luce line and your false flag bitch me
line. I hope KSM goes to Pearl because that would do a little
pruning in there.

Rather than US dollars becoming worthless, I think they are
already buying a lot through a Chinese foil. It's 19th cent
Robber Baron takeover tactics.

Drugs, guns and dope may be the biggest businesses in the
world, not even lumping patent medicine and its fake cures
and fake epidemics with street drugs, but those three look
like distractions and foils out front of the money business
which is the money and information business you speak of.

When Barbary pirates were terrorizing and plundering Ireland,
their captains were English and Dutch. The dope trade can be
managed, so Colby's warning sounds equivalent to Eisenhower's.
Dope franchises in growing countries, smuggling routes, and
street franchises are used as poker chips. Look how much of
the crime franchise is thrown to nuke players, the Russians
and Chinese, as cover for strategic transactions. South America
has virtually been recolonized by Spanish banks but I think it's
dope money recycled in by the "hidden Enron partners", to use
one of their aliases.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:
> Okay, now I see.  Thanks, Bob.
> I might as well get off my chest two limiting horrors I sense about this
> list.
> Horror # one:
> The giant limitation created by misunderstanding what/who `CIA' is in
> relation to drugs.  CIA is something that, even though it operates all
> over the world, is associated as being American controlled.  It is not.  A
> former head of the CIA, (William Colby), was murdered for stating over and
> over that the international drug cartels were now more powerful than any
> government.  (Our assassin was a young kid, foreign, about 18 & great
> swimmer who freaked out when he read in papers the next day whom he
> killed.  Google "Kay Griggs" for more.)
> `CIA' is only a part.  Between the bombs going off in Nagasaki and
> Hiroshima Oppenheimer made a speech in Los Alamos stating that the bombs
> were easy to make and that the world must end war.  To counter this and
> control the masses secret deals were made not to use nukes.  To keep such
> secret deals `honest' there had to be some sort of structure.  The newly
> formed Israel's Mossad was used as a combination of KGB and CIA and
> agencies of other powers that openly had nukes.  Many close references to
> this.  Both Russia and China are more reluctant then and now in this
> agreement and stick only to the letter.  This is why Iran's actions are
> seen as open defiance.  It is defiance to the secret group that CIA is
> only a part of.
> See also:
> http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/aspyintime.htm
> Of if the link does not take on the list then just google "A Spy In Time"
> and it will come up first.
> Not understanding this is causing some real danger here.  First of all
> many in alternative media are becoming prejudiced against the Jewish
> people or even `Zionism'.  Most of the Jewish people do not know of what I
> said here.  Many on this list are above average in intelligence and don't
> live in areas of the US that are more prone to acting on prejudice.  We
> are not talking about `political correctness' but real possibility of
> violence.
> We need understand that the Jewish people have been used and that even
> most of them don't know that they are nor why.
> Horror # two:
> The giant misunderstanding created by limiting the concept of what `drugs'
> are.
> About the year 1000 a monk outside of Rome wrote a paper in Latin that was
> passed around the world.  He stated that the best way of controlling
> populations was to use lightly addictive drugs.  This was the paper that a
> few hundred years later formed organizations such as the East India Tea
> Company.  They were already into the more heavily additive drugs.  Opium
> is not new.  Most Americans have been taught that men went out to a more
> dangerous sea to engage in the `spice trade'.  Sure.  They would go out on
> water without even compasses and risk their necks just for some f***ing
> oregano?
> Today, thankfully, one small mammal showed the full extent of what `drugs'
> are.  The mammal was a drug-stoned wallaby.  It happens that stoned
> wallabies are funny as hell to watch when stoned out on opium.  They jump
> straight up and down with a weird expression.  A youtube of a hysterically
> stoned wallaby goes all over the Internet jumping up and down in an opium
> field.  With this it gets out worldwide the giant extent of the opium
> fields in Australia, hundreds of thousands of thousands of acres.  With
> this it is stated that the pharmaceutical companies for `experimentation'
> and a bit of morphine own the giant acreage.  Plausible if you are half
> asleep and even then but barely.  However this would cause a problem if
> Taliban, as they did before, outlawed opium production and sowed waving
> fields of grain.
> This is why they are moving the opium production north in Afghanistan and
> outlawing it only south.  They are preparing to move the opium to
> Turkmenistan.  This is why the sudden interest in Baku, other side of the
> Caspian but close enough.
> You cannot limit the concept of drugs by seeing some as legal and others
> as illegal.  Or some misuse as of the legal, (medications), and some of
> illegal.  Diseases are now created such as ATD to create drugs such a
> ritalin.   Psychiatrists are forced into the position of just prescribing
> drugs and can only survive economically by doing four patients per hour in
> this manner.  The diagnostic rules and categories have been altered with
> this in mind.  Bit by bit psychiatrists are being forced into the position
> of becoming just like your local crack dealer.  This is one reason why
> now, as a category, they have the highest rate of suicide.  Our troops are
> now being given `happy pills' by the bottle.  They don't even need to go
> to a medic.  "Sarge has them."  Therefore there is not even a suggestion
> of dosage control.  These `happy pills' all have `withdraw symptoms'. 
> Legal or illegal?  What is the real difference?  None.  But the pills get
> four or five tours out of the troops so then they can be misdiagnosed as
> anything but PTSD by the VA and tossed on the street.
> And the wallaby shows us that the same companies control both.
> The link above gives the real history.
> Or just Google, cut and paste, "A Spy In Time".
> It is worth the read.
> m

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