They speak better english, accent or no, and no doubt
still read books in school. Maybe they have not had
their brainwaves modified by tv and videogames and
club drugs. You could not converse with Americans
either for the same reasons.


--- In, micha...@... wrote:
> Below John S. asked:
> "Why do you suppose Americans never stood up and screamed for the truth?"
> I am in a coffee shop in Maine, USA.  I have wonderful friend who
> describes himself as a `knuckledragger'- one who for 30 years had to go
> all over the world and do the sick things that the CIA thought up.  Now
> has the biggest heart I have ever seen.
> We are talking but about nothing very `inside', just current events talk
> of day.  We are just some `old men'.  But two very young girls, about 20
> years old, keep staring at us and whispering to themselves.  Felt strange.
>  Then one comes over and asks where we are from.  We say, "From here-
> Maine."  She sort of frowns and goes back and starts whispering again. 
> They keep listening and it is a bit uncomfortable.
> Finally they come over.  They happen to be two foreign students that had
> been at a photography studio in Rockport for the last six months.  They
> were from opposite sides of the world, one from Beirut and the other from
> Mexico City.
> They said that our simple conversation amazed them as it was the, (quote),
> "…First conversation that they had heard in six months."  They said that
> they had, "Stopped talking to Americans because talking to Americans is
> useless- impossible."  Why?  "Because Americans don't know anything."  
> They blamed this on TV.
> I have had a number of older people state the impossible: that they have
> been seeing Chemtrails since jets first started flying.   Impossible they
> started at the max about 15 years ago.  What would make someone say such a
> thing?
> Reasoning, of course.  They simply figure that if there was anything
> unusual about chemtrails the TV would have told them.  `TV' trumps
> reality.
> Baku is big talk everywhere except the USA.  This ain't no backwater. 
> Baku not only has its own subway system but it is almost half the size of
> Boston's subway system.  Why can't you talk about this in America? 
> Because few if any know where or even what Baku is.
> Why will Baku become opium city?  How did one small mammal, the size of a
> rabbit, make that happen?.
> m
> > IMO
> >  
> > 9/11 was to a great extent, a psychological operation.  Our sense of
> > security was undermined and so when the President took a proactive stance
> > and loaded up battleships for the trek to Afghanistan, we felt
> > psychologically more "secure".   When we got over the shock of "the big
> > lie" and started noticing the fact that the government's dots didn't
> > connect, we did begin to stand up and scream.  But as always, we have
> > been ignored and we will continue to be ignored because the accountability
> > is too great for too many powerful people and we do not, historically,
> > hold them to the same standard.   
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > --- On Sat, 11/14/09, John Stroebel <john.stroe...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > From: John Stroebel <john.stroe...@...>
> > Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind
> > To:
> > Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 11:12 AM
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >
> > One question:
> >
> > Why do you suppose Americans never stood up and screamed for the truth?
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:32 PM, ruxpert <homepu...@comcast. net> wrote:
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > and the '911Commission' was a misdirection/ Obstruction of Justice device,
> > not even tasked with finding guilt/WhoDid911?
> >  
> > The most immedieate prime crime of Obstruction of Justice Continues!
> >  
> >
> > Who Did 9/11?   We Need To Know!
> > http://groups. group/LibertyBan dwagon/message/ 34638
> >  
> >  
> > ;-)
> >  
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: muckblit
> > To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou
> > Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 8:13 PM
> > Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind
> >
> >
> > I mean to say that last Tuesday, the DC sniper John Muhamed
> > was executed in Virginia as a typical patsy who dies to end
> > investigation of a larger government operation like JFK hit
> > and OKCbomb.
> >
> > --- In cia-dr...@yahoogrou, "muckblit" <muckblit@> wrote:
> > http://groups. group/cia- drugs/message/ 47787
> >>
> >> The 911 Commission report conceals the fact that both Khalid Sheikh
> >> Mohamed and Amed Omar Saeed Sheikh, KSM the mastermind and Saeed Sheikh
> >> the moneyman, both, are Pakistani. Additionally, the report leaves out
> >> the fact that Sheikh acted on orders from Pak intel chief Mahmud Amed
> >>
> >> com/search? q=saeed+sheikh+ pak+isi+mahmud
> >>
> >> KSM attacked the World Trade Center with a truck bomb years before 911.
> >>
> >> Daniel Hopsicker find more money coming from Lebanese, CIA, and Saudi
> >> sources in Florida. Although helping stage 911 for CIA, in exchange for
> >> quid pro quo of US liberating poppies from Afghan Taliban, Pakistan was
> >> not very involved in 911. Thus giving KSM the death penalty for 911 when
> >> he was not giving orders, while not prosecuting him for his role in
> >> FBI's WTCbomb false flag operation, ends up being a diversion by Eric
> >> Holder, especially if KSM and Sheikh are not being tried for the
> >> kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal report Daniel Pearl.
> >>
> >
> > http://groups. group/cia- drugs/message/ 47787
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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