Colla’ Walla or drug smug?
“…Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles
as they hop around "as high as a kite", a government official has said.
Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said
the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for
medicine….”  This is from BBC ‘'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' at:

This article is a repeat of a similar one.  Though it is listed on hottest
of BBC’s read-list it is not even listed on the Internet drop list and
buried on the Asian-Pacific area page.  Why so hot?  Why so hot even when
so buried?  Is it the funny part or the not so funny?

Now this in New York Times.  Was on front page:

(quote) “…Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics
New federally financed drug research reveals a stark disparity: children
covered by Medicaid are given powerful antipsychotic medicines at a rate
four times higher than children whose parents have private insurance. And
the Medicaid children are more likely to receive the drugs for less severe
conditions than their middle-class counterparts, the data shows….”

Putting these two stories together you can see how illegal drugs and
pharma have combined to addict as many as possible illegally or legally.

What are kids doing on antipsychotics anyway?  Seems mostly for being
noisy and for being kids.  Easier when they sit stoned in front of the TV.
 Other Wallaby story showed too much grown for just morphine.

Leads to questions that we don’t want to ask ourselves such as:

1-      Laws don’t work.  Medicine is controlled.  What does work?  Only change
in public attitudes--- but how?  Must think in terms of general public..,
2-      So many complain about illegal drugs being the money to support inside
international CIA-type security operations.  I say ‘CIA-type’ as CIA and
KGB were combined in early fifties with other nuclear powers to form
inside security to secret non-use-of-nuke deals.  Same op is security for
anything else now up to nanotech.  These activities cost.  How else would
you fund?  Seriously.  This is facing life on life’s terms, not relying on
dreamy platitudes.  If this were to seriously be replaced you might need
to start with throwing out political ‘isms’.  This is not undoable with
the masses, but difficult.

Example from another conversation:  There was talk about CIA Director Adm.
Stansfield Turner when he tossed knuckledraggers.   Adm. Turner somehow
got the mad idea that he could rely entirely on technology, i.e.
‘listening devices’, and therefore did not need ‘humtel’ – human
intelligence operatives.  First thing was that thousands of humtels simply
went ‘off reservation’ to the other side for jobs.  No biggie, a job is a
job.  At higher levels there is no ‘off reservation’.   To put that in
another frame realize that spying must be legal in the real world but has
only remained illegal because with the masses the patriot game works and
other games don’t.  So we lie.  We ‘level’, we ‘compartmentalize’, we
paste confused-grin over knowing-smirk.

To a great extent this is a psychological exercise.  The ‘upper’ chit-chat
now is the Red Book, the book that was written by Carl Jung that his
family would not allow published until 2001 as it would have made him look
a bit whacky.  (A new copy is $114.00 bucks!)  In the Red Book he states
that the ultimate process is your own inward venture.  But mine seems to
go in two areas.  One is the nice-nice talk of new-age.  Many of these
things I believe in.  Another is real world horror.  I have seen first
hand the horrors of crack and how evil it is that we foster that on Blacks
but only cocaine on Whites.  But trying to ‘fix’ that is asking to be
permanently fixed yourself.  Life on life’s terms means life has its own

I hear 'CIA and drugs', sob sob..., 'CIA and drugs', sob sob....  So what
is the real solution?

In other words:  I am just seeing what happens when I switch icons.  Where
do you get ‘in the zone’?

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