Thank you, Bob.  I don't know as much as you about the specifics.  I was
worried as I could see a plan of getting all addicted , legal or illegal.

> Sorry.
> That's what I thought you said, as far as poppy growing in Australia
> proper, not Tasmania. Reading the Doug Valentine book,,
> Strength of the Pack, about the DEA, Valentine says that in the days of
> the FBN 1920-40, the morphine and heroin were produced legally in European
> labs and the ethnic mafias including Chinese tongs were
> only inserted at the distribution level as cut-outs in the US. I
> don't think other countries need to salute US schizophrenic neo
> puritan madness. Just grow poppies everywhere, grow flowers instead
> of nukes, bypass US war on this and that but not really.
> Grow a poppy in the windowbox to medicate the boys over there when
> they come home with all the flesh stripped off their bones by HMX
> liberated along with the poppies to make it a war and bloody the
> bully, solving the image problem for perennial war.
> We have fields of poppies blooming in highway medians, and if they aren't
> blooming, we have lots of bright lights in New Cholon City, and discos and
> gyms for the boys over here. Those are only sterile
> terminator poppies and boys and gyms though. Don't drop weights on the
> floor there because we should stay estrogenized, constipated, and
> paranoid. Flowers, yes, reality, no, not here.
> -Bob
> --- In, micha...@... wrote:
>> Bob, I was thanking you for posting that information. I will repeat what
>> I
>> said, "Muckbit, Thank you ever so much!!!!!!! So 'Hillbilly Heroin' is
>> heroin- just some tricky botany and some good lawyers.  Wow.  This needs
>> to be passed around."  There is legal poppy for pharma, (but seems too
>> much).  The original BBC of wallaby in Australia still does not come up,
>> is replaced by Tasmania. (Still don't understand that.).  So regular
>> Heroin type poppy is legal only with special permission.  But an
>> alternate
>> poppy is legal, (bypasses restrictions), but a special process with this
>> produces ocycontin.  And the answers to your questions are 'no'.
>> I was only thanking you for that information.
>> m
>> > Michael, putting words in my mouth backwards is two strikes
>> > (unpredicated fake inference and then internal cross-wiring). If
>> > you are actually being tendentious as well, as far as boosting
>> > off of your false inference and plus your cross-wired internal
>> > reversal, in order to then over arch us with your choice of
>> > strategic catch-all, then that would be three strikes since
>> > you had no basis in anything I said. Try quote for quote as
>> > repartee next time. Let the little toys meet each other on the
>> > table.
>> >
>> > I posted quotes without comment, therefore no inference is
>> > possible as to whether I stated or implied that wallaby poppies
>> > are Papaver somniferum(morphine) or P. bracteatum ("hillbilly
>> > heroin", oxycontin, only presently sourced candidate for Michael
>> > Donovan's wallabilly heroin). Do we have that clear now, Michael?
>> >
>> > Beyond that, your second leap was an instance where of your mind
>> > simply crossed up internally one time. As we get older that is
>> > an early sign that we need to be more careful what we eat.
>> >
>> > It appears that Michael Donovan believes that some of the
>> > Australian poppies are Papaver somniferum. Is that fair?
>> >
>> > Michael Donovan believes that more poppy is being grown in
>> > Tasmania than would be allowed under international medical
>> > quota. Is that fair to say?
>> >
>> > Would Michael like to say that Australia proper is growing some
>> > poppies, as well as Tasmania? He may have said that originally.
>> >
>> > Bolivia has legal and illegal coca growing areas which used to reflect
>> > political bases in each, as Colombia has a de facto
>> > legal growing status for rightwing paramilitary areas controlled
>> > by US School of the America graduates competing with nominally
>> > leftwing coca guards who invest in clinics and roads and not
>> > in Wall Street, if what we read is all we should believe. The
>> > official stories contain the notion of all Australian poppies
>> > being grown behind a moat, as it were, on an island, rather
>> > than on the continental island of Australia proper.
>> >
>> > -Bob
>> >
>> > The office line is that
>> >
>> > --- In, michael1@ wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Muckbit, Thank you ever so much!!!!!!!
>> >> So 'Hillbilly Heroin' is heroin- just some tricky botany and some
>> good
>> >> lawyers.  Wow.  This needs to be passed around.
>> >> m
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > "With over-production of licit opium by Turkey and Australia (which
>> is
>> >> > technically not permitted to grow poppy under international
>> >> conventions),
>> >> > India reduced its licensed acreage from 63,000 to 11,000 hectares."
>> >> >
>> >> > (June 25 stoned wallabies story)
>> >> >
>> >> > "Australia is arguing that it should be given better access to the
>> >> U.S.
>> >> > market...Australia, which started its commercial opium poppy
>> industry
>> >> in
>> >> > 1970, is already the world's largest legal producer"
>> >> >
>> >> > "for 20 years was the world's biggest poppy producer until 2004
>> when
>> >> it
>> >> > was overtaken by France"
>> >> > We're investigating a very exciting crop for us which is called
>> >> Papaver
>> >> > bracteatum. So the normal poppy that is grown around the world is
>> >> called
>> >> > Papaver somniferum and that's an annual crop. With this crop we're
>> >> doing
>> >> > some trial work on is a perennial crop. So we plant this once and
>> we
>> >> > expect to get three to four years out of the crop. It has benefits
>> to
>> >> > farmers in that it's a more robust poppy species and you don't have
>> >> the
>> >> > risk of germination each year once it's established.
>> >> >
>> >> > The other key difference between this poppy and the normal poppy is
>> >> whilst
>> >> > the normal poppy Papaver somniferum is very high in morphine. This
>> >> poppy
>> >> > does not have any morphine at all in it. It is high in a different
>> >> > alkaloid called thebane. And since the early 90s, thebane has been
>> >> > commercially of interest as it's used for a lot of the other
>> products
>> >> for
>> >> > pain relief such as Oxicodone.
>> >> >
>> >> > But also interestingly, a lot of the products that are actually
>> used
>> >> for
>> >> > opiate substitution treatments, such as Bupremorphine, Naloxone and
>> >> > Naltrexone are other products that are obtained from thebane. And
>> this
>> >> > poppy is a very high-yielding thebane, much higher than the
>> standard
>> >> > poppies which are either genetically altered or they are sprayed
>> with
>> >> > treatments to change them, from producing morphine to producing
>> >> thebane.
>> >> > These plants do it naturally so we're very excited about this and
>> >> think
>> >> > there is enormous potential for us and also the farmers that grow
>> with
>> >> > this.
>> >> > A mystery solved « Waterloo Idler
>> >> > 6 hours ago by Gavin
>> >> > Anyway, what the Australian farmers on Tasmania have found is that
>> >> > wallabies occasionally get in to the opium fields and eat the
>> poppies.
>> >> > Apparently after a while they begin to act strangely and hop around
>> in
>> >> > circles before falling down ...
>> >> >
>> >> > Mystery Solved: Blame "trippy Skippy" « Randomness and Waffle
>> >> > 14 hours ago by Ali
>> >> > Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop
>> >> circles as
>> >> > they hop around "as high as a kite", a government official has
>> said.
>> >> Lara
>> >> > Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania,
>> said
>> >> the
>> >> > kangaroo-like ...
>> >> >
>> >> > Deepen the Conversation: Black Opium Symposium
>> >> > 12-3-2009 by info@ (qtix Box Office)
>> >> > Black Opium Symposium A groundbreaking book inspired one of
>> >> Australia's
>> >> > most distinguished indigenous artists, Fiona Foley, to create a
>> >> complex,
>> >> > powerful and immersive public artwork: Black Opium. After reading
>> >> Rosalind
>> >> > Kidd's.
>> >> >
>> >> > Sustaining opium reduction in Southeast Asia | Australian Policy
>> ...
>> >> > 8-16-2009 by paitken
>> >> > 17 August 2009Since 1998 opium production in Southeast Asia has
>> >> declined
>> >> > by some 67% from 1437 tons in 1998 to 469 tons in 2007. The area
>> under
>> >> > cultivation has also declined by over 80% from 158230 hectares to
>> >> 29200
>> >> > hectares during the ...
>> >> >
>> >> > 'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' — My Blog
>> >> > 6 hours ago by admin
>> >> > -like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for medicine.
>> >> She
>> >> > was reporting to a parliamentary hearing on security for poppy
>> crops.
>> >> > Australia supplies about 50% of the world's legally-grown opium
>> used
>> >> to
>> >> > make morphine ...
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > --- In, michael1@ wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Colla' Walla or drug smug?
>> >> >> "…Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop
>> >> >> circles
>> >> >> as they hop around "as high as a kite", a government official has
>> >> said.
>> >> >> Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of
>> Tasmania,
>> >> >> said
>> >> >> the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown
>> for
>> >> >> medicine…."  This is from BBC `'Stoned wallabies make crop
>> circles'
>> >> at:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> This article is a repeat of a similar one.  Though it is listed on
>> >> >> hottest
>> >> >> of BBC's read-list it is not even listed on the Internet drop list
>> >> and
>> >> >> buried on the Asian-Pacific area page.  Why so hot?  Why so hot
>> even
>> >> >> when
>> >> >> so buried?  Is it the funny part or the not so funny?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Now this in New York Times.  Was on front page:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> (quote) "…Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics
>> >> >> New federally financed drug research reveals a stark disparity:
>> >> children
>> >> >> covered by Medicaid are given powerful antipsychotic medicines at
>> a
>> >> rate
>> >> >> four times higher than children whose parents have private
>> insurance.
>> >> >> And
>> >> >> the Medicaid children are more likely to receive the drugs for
>> less
>> >> >> severe
>> >> >> conditions than their middle-class counterparts, the data shows…."
>> >> >> (unquote)
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Putting these two stories together you can see how illegal drugs
>> and
>> >> >> pharma have combined to addict as many as possible illegally or
>> >> legally.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> What are kids doing on antipsychotics anyway?  Seems mostly for
>> being
>> >> >> noisy and for being kids.  Easier when they sit stoned in front of
>> >> the
>> >> >> TV.
>> >> >>  Other Wallaby story showed too much grown for just morphine.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Leads to questions that we don't want to ask ourselves such as:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 1-     Laws don't work.  Medicine is controlled.  What does work?
>> Only
>> >> >> change
>> >> >> in public attitudes--- but how?  Must think in terms of general
>> >> >> public..,
>> >> >> Joe-six-pack.
>> >> >> 2-     So many complain about illegal drugs being the money to support
>> >> >> inside
>> >> >> international CIA-type security operations.  I say `CIA-type' as
>> CIA
>> >> and
>> >> >> KGB were combined in early fifties with other nuclear powers to
>> form
>> >> >> inside security to secret non-use-of-nuke deals.  Same op is
>> security
>> >> >> for
>> >> >> anything else now up to nanotech.  These activities cost.  How
>> else
>> >> >> would
>> >> >> you fund?  Seriously.  This is facing life on life's terms, not
>> >> relying
>> >> >> on
>> >> >> dreamy platitudes.  If this were to seriously be replaced you
>> might
>> >> need
>> >> >> to start with throwing out political `isms'.  This is not undoable
>> >> with
>> >> >> the masses, but difficult.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Example from another conversation:  There was talk about CIA
>> Director
>> >> >> Adm.
>> >> >> Stansfield Turner when he tossed knuckledraggers.   Adm. Turner
>> >> somehow
>> >> >> got the mad idea that he could rely entirely on technology, i.e.
>> >> >> `listening devices', and therefore did not need `humtel' – human
>> >> >> intelligence operatives.  First thing was that thousands of
>> humtels
>> >> >> simply
>> >> >> went `off reservation' to the other side for jobs.  No biggie, a
>> job
>> >> is
>> >> >> a
>> >> >> job.  At higher levels there is no `off reservation'.   To put
>> that
>> >> in
>> >> >> another frame realize that spying must be legal in the real world
>> but
>> >> >> has
>> >> >> only remained illegal because with the masses the patriot game
>> works
>> >> and
>> >> >> other games don't.  So we lie.  We `level', we `compartmentalize',
>> we
>> >> >> paste confused-grin over knowing-smirk.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> To a great extent this is a psychological exercise.  The `upper'
>> >> >> chit-chat
>> >> >> now is the Red Book, the book that was written by Carl Jung that
>> his
>> >> >> family would not allow published until 2001 as it would have made
>> him
>> >> >> look
>> >> >> a bit whacky.  (A new copy is $114.00 bucks!)  In the Red Book he
>> >> states
>> >> >> that the ultimate process is your own inward venture.  But mine
>> seems
>> >> to
>> >> >> go in two areas.  One is the nice-nice talk of new-age.  Many of
>> >> these
>> >> >> things I believe in.  Another is real world horror.  I have seen
>> >> first
>> >> >> hand the horrors of crack and how evil it is that we foster that
>> on
>> >> >> Blacks
>> >> >> but only cocaine on Whites.  But trying to `fix' that is asking to
>> be
>> >> >> permanently fixed yourself.  Life on life's terms means life has
>> its
>> >> own
>> >> >> terms.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I hear 'CIA and drugs', sob sob..., 'CIA and drugs', sob sob....
>> So
>> >> >> what
>> >> >> is the real solution?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> In other words:  I am just seeing what happens when I switch
>> icons.
>> >> >> Where
>> >> >> do you get `in the zone'?
>> >> >> m
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >

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