Refleski:  Kalau menteri korupsi, apakah makan sendiri  panen korupsi tsb 
ataukah  dibagaikan  juga kepada sang presiden negara?

May 14, 2009 

Nivell Rayda

Former Minister Returns Rp 700 Million

An indication that former Minister of Health Ahmad Sujudi had received money in 
connection with the purchase of health equipment in 2003 came on Thursday when 
he turned over Rp 700 million ($67,900) to the Corruption Eradication 
Commission (KPK).

KPK spokesman Johan Budi confirmed that Ahmad had submitted the money, which 
would be used as evidence in the graft case, although he did not specify from 
where Ahmad had received the money.

The commission is currently investigating a case involving Kimia Farma and 
another privately owned pharmaceutical company, PT Riva Jaya Mulya.

In 2003, the two companies were believed to have defrauded the Ministry of 
Health of at least Rp 71 billion by providing substandard medical equipment and 
manipulating the number of items distributed to state-run hospitals throughout 
the country.

The commission has already declared Kimia Farma's former director, Gunawan 
Pranoto, and Riva Jaya's former director, Rinaldi Yusuf, as suspects in the 

Thursday was the fourth time Ahmad was questioned in connection with the case. 
Ahmad refused to comment about the money.

Johan added that several former ministry officials had also returned the money 
they each received.

"The total was about Rp 3.5 billion," he said.

Johan added that on Thursday a total of 52 witnesses were brought in for 
questioning for several graft cases, 40 of whom were connected to the Health 
Ministry's case.


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