Ok.. I really don't like this modification. I hate having to hold the shift down.
I work with selection more than anything else...

Isn't your patch making the default mode "drag and drop" and modify the functionality of dragging on the time-bar, or pressing the shift key to turn selectionabilty mode on. (i.e. creating extra effort for every attempt to use selection style editing)

Why not bring the modes back, but make the default "drag and drop" if you like, and add keep the modifiers there. That way when you teach newbies, you can place it in the "drag and drop" mode and leave it there for them. You could even lock it to not be switchable in the preferences..

Failing that, I'll have to use a personal branch of cinelerra at all times for my own use..


Andraž Tori wrote:
On Fri, 2006-10-20 at 09:59 +0200, Kurt Georg Hooss wrote:
folks, once i understood i found it makes sense to have the two modes.
but having the issue on the agenda anyway...
there is one closely related thing that really annoys me.

in either mode, i found it problematic that cutting out some part
(be it a complete clip or a drag-&-drop selection)
automatically moves the rest of the track from the right, leaving no gap.

i mean, would it not be more intuitive if cutting would just cut
and moving would just move?

sure, combining those two functionalities may be desirable in cases...
but how can i just remove some part from some (but not all) tracks,
leaving the rest synchronous with the remaining tracks?

what you really are trying to do is "copy'n'mute"

just press 'c' and then 'm' afterwards.
as of when dragging clips by mouse, ... if you see >< as insertion point
the clip will be cutout and inserted at the insertion point, if you
don't see it, clip will be "copy&mute" and inserted at insertion point


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