On 2007-02-14 16:10, Claude Jones wrote:
> On Wed February 14 2007, Scott C. Frase wrote:
> > Claude,
> > The OpenGL driver set would have to have been compiled in the FreshRPMs
> > build of cinelerra in order for it to be listed as a chooseable option
> > in Preferences -> Playback -> Video Driver.  Go ahead and install the
> > FreshRPMs rpm.  If you start Cinelerra and it does not have the option
> > listed above, you know it wasn't compiled with OpenGL.
> >
> > Your 6200 drivers should work fine.  ATI drivers do not.
> > scott
> Thank you, Scott. There is nothing in the Video driver settings list that 
> includes "GL" in the name. I guess it means that if I want it, I'll have to 
> switch over to svn, something I've been contemplating for a long time, just 
> never took the time to learn

It's possible that someone else packages it for openGL.  For SUSE, I
build both openGL and non-openGL versions of the openSUSE 10.2 RPMs.


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