Nathan Ryan wrote:

> Hey all, First off, apologies if I am replying to this incorrectly -
> I usually read mailing lists, rarely post.
> I thought Hermann's comment about dev manpower was worth me coming
> out of my shell.
> I work as tech support at a film department in an University of fine 
> art.  I have been expounding the virtues of using an open source
> model in an educational and artistic setting for a few years now.  It
> seems that ears are beginning to perk up.  One main point of interest
> has become the Cinelerra project.  We recognize Cinelerra as an
> amazingly powerful tool, but one which is not particularly usable for
> us as an institution in its present form. We have begun to piece
> together a two pronged approach for our film department with regards
> to open source software development - partnership with another local
> University and their computer sciences dept, and pursuing research
> grants.  We have talked about some specific film related programs
> which currently don't exist, at least in the open source realm.  We
> are also talking about Cinelerra.  Here is where the community can
> really help out - and hopefully we can really help you guys too.  I'm
> not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have
> some idea of how big a project Cinelerra is.  We've outlined a

Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
ansic:       310217 (53.96%)
cpp:         247874 (43.12%)
sh:           10580 (1.84%)
asm:           5936 (1.03%)
perl:           258 (0.04%)
sed:             16 (0.00%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                = 574,881
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 157.97
 (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months)                         = 3.67 (44.00)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule)  = 43.08
Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 21,340,200
 (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).

YMMV about this results ;)

> few things which we feel need to be "fixed up" before we can be
> serious about using Cinelerra as a core part of our program -
> reliability and ease of installation and use being two areas.
> Currently it seems there are functions which are not working properly
> - firewire import for one.

I proposed some time ago to throw the FW import away and instead make a
dvgrab frontend at that place. Thats probably the best and simplest way
to fix it. Maybe without live preview.

> Installation is also somewhat convoluted (though projects like Ubuntu
>  Studio might help alleviate that problem).  One large feature which
> is missing (or so it seems) for us is support for DVCPro HD in MXF
> wrappers (from the HVX200 camera). Any thoughts or advice you as the
> developer community can pass on would be great.  In particular I
> would like to know more about how we could work with you guys to
> create the best possible software.  Also, in the case of the grants
> (if and when) - are there any cinelerra/linux developers out there
> who would consider working with us on contract?

I do, but I am quite new on board. I'd step back for anyone else who
want's this job. How about HV?

> I will remind everyone out there in cinelerraland that this is still
> in the very early stages of planning, but the idea does have the
> support of admin here at the school, so it is something that isn't
> just a pipe dream.  Please email me directly with ideas and
> suggestions, be it with the program itself, or with regards to how we
> as an institution with specific goals (which conceivably could differ
> from the CV project) do not can work positively with the community.
> To sum up our basic goals for the project:
> 1. Have a feature rich, professional quality HD video editor which is
>  usable as a teaching tool.
Mission already completed.

> 2. Stable codebase
Neverending work, but under way.

> 3. Streamlined work flow.
Cinelerra could be used in diffrent ways/workflows, some could be
improved for sure but I'd rather dont want't to miss any existing ones.

> 4. Must not require a degree in computer science to install and set
> up to use.
apt-get install cinelerra

> 5. Develop codecs to support our file type of choice - DVCPro HD in
> MXF wrapper.  (Red camera may expand this requirement.)
Sounds like much work.

> 6. Maintain GPL status of project, and provide community with all 
> research and development progress.
GPL can't be taken back


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