--- "Scott C. Frase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is a strange one.  I've updated the video on my machine, a Dell
> SC1430, from the onboard video to an NVidia 8500GT PCI Express card
> and
> now I get slight audio crackles at different times when playing any
> multimedia file, video or audio.  The problem seems to occur more if
> I
> move the mouse or other windows or multitask.  If I remove the card
> and
> return to onboard video, the problem disappears.
> The problem happens in both OSs I've had installed recently, Fedora
> Core
> 6 and 7.  I've moved the audio card to a different slot in the box
> and
> changed IRQs, but I still get this slight audio distortion with the
> new
> video card and clean audio when I use the old card.
> I've also put a dual-head VisionTek X1550 card in the box and the
> same
> audio problem happens.
> I do not see errors in the Cinelerra window or in dmesg output when
> the
> crackling occurs.  
> Has anyone had a similar problem or maybe give me a clue on how I
> could
> troubleshoot/debug this?  It would be nice to have OpenGL and nice
> audio
> to go along with the nice picture!

Hello Scott,

I do not know if what is written below is of any help but I have
experienced a similar problem to what you describe. Similar in a sence
that there was some audio distorsion when virtual displays are switched
which might be described as crackles...

The problem I had is not fixed.

My understanding is that it has to do with the audio drivers/hardware,
not the video. The audio card has to be fed continuously or crackles
will appear. To fix this problem, some data is buffered in the audio
card which smooths the sudden short interruptions in data flow. Making
this buffer larger, will fix the problem but will delay the audio, as
you can imagine. (Probably your video card is holding the PCI bus for
too long. I, somehow, thought that PCI Express and PCI are two
different busses but maybe they are not..)

Now, ALSA driver has somthing which is called hw0 device (I do not
exactly understand what this is). Anyway, my understanding is that by
default it uses something else and has to be configured to use this
This helps a lot!! but does not guarantee anything.

I can not say much more about this. I had only one piece of software
which had this problem and it had a switch to use hw:0. With this
switch "on", the problem is significanly less noticable.

This info is not useful as is, but maybe someone on the list can 
judge if what I wrote is relevant at all.

With best wishes,


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