On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 21:54 -0400, Scott C. Frase wrote:
> ZF,
> I appreciate the ideas.  I have a Creative Labs Audigy SE card and I do
> see a number of audio devices I could possibly select (0-3).  I ran
> through all the selections within Cinelerra and still get the noise.
> >From your discussion, I'm not sure I understand exactly how I can tell
> ALSA to use the hw0 interface.  :(  More research necessary.
> My next step was to use an outboard firewire interface, the MAudio
> Firewire 410.  Unfortunately, as discussed in some recent threads,
> Fedora 7 has a broken firewire interface.  I've seen the results of this
> myself, when I put my firewire PCI card into the box today and the box
> rebooted unexpectedly twice in a half hour time period.  Nasty.
> I've investigated some of solutions to the firewire problem, but have
> not fixed it yet, as it will require some removal/reinstall of a lot of
> programs.  Also, MPEG4 rendering from Cin seems to be broken on
> F7..probably something to do with the repositories I used for building
> from source.  I like MPEG4 cause it's much faster than H264.  So I may
> go back to FC6, as it was very stable for me.  At least I can get the
> external firewire interface going that way.

To close out this thread, I found an acceptable workaround to the noise
problem.  I've opted for the easy route and plugged in a friends'
M-Audio MobilePre USB interface. Lo and behold, no noise!

This isn't a DAW, so I'm not concerned about high quality..I just need
sound that works.

Thanks for listening folks. This one isn't fixed, but the MAudio
workaround suits me.


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