На Fri, 07 Dec 2007 13:16:22 +0100
Stefan de Konink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> записано:

> > Actually I don't know how to do such things. But screenshot buttons
> > in games works. And gpu particle renderer in maya works too. Seems
> > this is not problem at all.  
> Aah! I see your point :) Yes this is an interesting method!

If screen size less then image size Maya renders image by tiles then
stitches it back to one big image. With this method absolutely no limit
in image size. This method have only three problems:
1) There is no way to get HDRI. But may be modern GPU can do that.
2) You can overlap rendering/screenshoting window while rendering.
3) You should turn off screen suspend while rendering.

Птн Дек  7 20:22:22 KRAT 2007
Fri Dec  7 13:22:22 UTC 2007
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Ахметгалеев Ильдар aka AkhIL
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