Quoting Hannu Vuolasaho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I have this small problem. In Cinelerras manual there is easy to follow instructions to make DVD. On track has been enough for me. I have this time edited the show ready and exported it to RAW DV. interviews and bhind of scenes are different RAW DV clips.

Now I want to split it to chapters and burn it to DVD. I've been reading different howtos trough but nothing answered my problem.

Title 1
    chapter 1 scene 1 of the show
    chapter 2 scene 2 of the show
    chapter 20 scene 20 of the show
Title 2
    chapter 1 interview 1
    chapter 2 interview 2
Title 3
    chapter 1 behind the scenes

Is there any easy way to get this kind of structure in DVD?

As you probably realize, Cinelerra itself does not include DVD authoring. Once you have the video clips in MPEG2 format, you will need to use dvdauthor or something like it. I did a DVD similar to what you are describing (+ relatively complicated subtitling) by writing the input file for dvdauthor in a text editor and using the command line tools. This may or may not be 'an easy way' from your point of view. There are several graphical user interfaces for dvdauthor, so it should be possible to use it without writing the input commands. I'm not familiar with the GUIs.

The somewhat sparse documentation for dvdauthor is at



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