> Subject: Re: [CinCVS] How do you make DVDs?
> To: cinelerra@skolelinux.no
> Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 14:25:17 -0800
> --- Hannu Vuolasaho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Title 1 
> >     chapter 1 scene 1 of the show
> >     chapter 2 scene 2 of the show
> >     chapter 20 scene 20 of the show
> > Title 2
> >     chapter 1 interview 1
> >     chapter 2 interview 2
> > Title 3
> >     chapter 1 behind the scenes
> > 
> > Is there any easy way to get this kind of structure in DVD?
> Qdvdauthor should do the job for you.

I never learned use that program. Or atleast not yet. I felt it someway messy. 
I'll give it a try on next project.

> However, the description of the menu you provided is incomple.
> Do you want buttons to go directly to chapters? or you simply
> what thee titles with chapeters in them?

Actually I did want scene selection but I didn't kow how to do it so I just 
drop it. My solution was to find some examples from the net and read man pages 
and modify them. Lot of command line processing. and trial and errors. And if 
my CPU could speak, it would whine about same jobs all the time :)

Anyway I have now the poster of the show and underneath there is two choises. 
The show and teaser. Show has chapters beginning at every scene. DVD player 
returns back menu after played title.
 Oh and most proud I'm the 7 second audio loop. It should at leas get watcher 
to choose what to watch. So irritating popsong.

I want to thank you guys for your pointers. I checked those aplications and 
documentations and I feel I save time because of you. And I think I've learnt 
something. And next project will be more beautiful and pro looking. Maybe I'll 
share the Valencia 2007 Las Fallas fireworks with you :) The editing wont be 
most important thing in that video :)

> Never could understand how to use DVDStyler though...

And first tool which was recomended by my friend for DVD creation was Pinnacle. 
I tried and wished myself back home to my slow PC (Dualcore Opteron). School 
has harder hardware for the rendering job.

I don't understand why it is so hard to support RAW, type 1 and type2 DV...

Hannu Vuolasaho

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