On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Herman Robak wrote:
>   For you an me?  Very little.  But please realise how irrelevant that is.
> Potential users and developers think Cinelerra is "stuck in the 90s"
> because of its GUI.  Users believe the whole application must suck at
> least as much as its GUI.  Developers don't think it's worthwhile to
> learn about a GUI toolkit that is only used for _one_ application.
>   Bottom line: To many users and coders, Cinelerra doesn't LOOK worthy
> of their time and effort.

For my two cents, the reasons Cinelerra doesn't seem to be worth my time
and effort are:

   - It crashes.
   - It won't build.
   - It can't handle DV.
   - It's not open source.

All of those require some qualification, but none of them are directly
related to the GUI.  Except for a few minor annoyances, I have no real
objections to the current GUI and I don't think "fixing" the GUI should
rank above those four points.  The people who think making it pretty is a
higher priority than making it stable, buildable, work with DV, and open
source, are not a group of people I want to join.

"It crashes" - this point has actually improved a lot over the last few
years, and it's a big part of the reason I haven't given up on Cinelerra
entirely.  When I first started using it, which was when it was called
"Broadcast 2000," it wasn't really usable.  Now it's painfully usable, due
to the heroic efforts of the community development team.  But fixing all
segfaults and all hangs should still be top priority.  Those kinds of
thing are completely unacceptable in a production environment; if I'm
doing paid work with a tool I can't afford to be worrying about when it'll
next just happen freeze up, how much work I'll lose when that happens, and
how much time I'll waste digging back in my backup stack to find the edit
list that doesn't trigger the bug.  It seems to be largely the GUI's fault
that Cinelerra crashes so much - and a big part of it is because a custom
set of widgets was used instead of a library - but the problem is behind
the scenes, not anything to do with how the GUI looks on screen.

"It won't build" - I should never be told that a needed library is
"missing" when the library in question is already installed on my system;
but I have to install new versions of everything just for Cinelerra
because it can't look on my system for the libraries I already have
installed.  Then I have to go through commenting out lines of assembly
language because the versions of libraries that Cinelerra needs, won't
build properly either without modification - they lack the appropriate
conditionals to work with the assembler I have.  And so on.  Also, I
expect software to have a configure script that generates a Makefile that
actually works.  This point is also one that has improved significantly
since the community development effort started; but it would be an
absolute dealbreaker for someone who didn't have my considerable C, C++,
and assembly-language programming background to customize the build
system for my machine in the way that the configure script ought to.

"It can't handle DV" - I don't actually use DV myself, so this isn't
directly important to me, but it seems like a significant fraction of the
questions we get from new potential users are "How do I load/save raw DV
files?" and "How do I record a DV signal from my camcorder?" and the
answers appear to be "You can't, even though it is on the menu." and "Use
kino instead." respectively.  Those clearly aren't acceptable answers, but
this situation has persisted for years and I haven't seen a real effort to
do anything about it.

"It's not open source" - this may be the most dangerous item on my list,
but someone's going to have to say it out loud eventually:  Adam Williams
has made clear that Cinelerra is HIS project, not OUR project.  Although
he releases a source package, it's not realistically possible to build
from it (I have, kind of, sort of, built from it... but not with a
realistic amount of work, and the result kept crashing).  It comes with a
warning telling you you ought to use the binary instead, and another
warning saying there's no warranty even though there is a no-warranty
warning built into the GPL already.  The GPL isn't good enough for Adam,
and Adam's "source release" is not a real source release.  A real source
release would be buildable.  He's made clear that this situation will not
change in the future, that community suggestions and contributions will
not be considered or used unless they happen to save him work on things he
wanted already, and that nobody but him can ever be a real first-class
participant in Cinelerra development.  That is not the open-source way.

And on the community side, even the people who want to fork the project
and make an actually open-source version, still want to call it Cinelerra.
As a courtesy to Adam they're going to change the name, but the question
isn't "What name will we give our project?", it's "What euphemism shall we
apply to Cinelerra 3 so that people will know it's Cinelerra 3 but it
won't be technically named Cinelerra 3?"  Honestly, it's depressing how
many of the suggestions I've seen are still obviously trying hard to work
in as many letters from "Cinelerra" as possible, and still calling it
"Cinelerra 3" in the discussion of what official name to give it.  It's
clear that in people's minds, it *is* Cinelerra 3, and the result of the
naming discussion won't change how it's thought of.  How about a *really*
new name, not based on a modification of "Cinelerra," and a *really* new
project to match?

I think all that is a lot more important than how the GUI looks on my
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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