2008/1/30, Gour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Martin> (For Qt), Is it possible for the community (ie anyone outside
> Martin> TrollTech) to write user interface widgets? Cin3 will need to
> Martin> write some specialist widgets -- how will this fit in with the
> Martin> toolkit and the toolkit's development process?
> No idea. Let me just say that GTK+ toolkit is getting native on Mac OS
> X, works on Win and it's not property of Nokia ;)

Writing Custom Widgets is possible in every Toolkit, and Qt has been
"native" OSX for a long time. But indeed, GTK seems to catch up.

Discussing Toolkits is pointless btw. without someone actually writing
the Code for said toolkit.

Are you teaching the What and the How but without the Why and the When?

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