Hello everyone,

aww. I was really going to keep clear of the logo discussion. Just two quick thoughts:

1. Contest is good. But *please* make it an "icon only" contest. Reasons:

The icon is the one thing that users are going to see over and over again. It has the most profound recognition factor, much more than any website logotype and such.

You don't waste time on doing all the secondary refining, like b/w version, scalability issues, and so forth.

Because an icon can be designed in a standard fashion (the usual square format, e.g. 48x48), it simplifies comparison and quickens the decision process.

2. Moaning about users filing annoying feature requests is bad. Reasons:

Moaning keeps everyone away from coding and needlessly busy. But only with replying or more moaning.

Same goes for questioning each other's abilities. This usually doesn't improve the quality of the delivered work.

Coding is more fun! At least for coders. Others replace with: designing icons, planning UI, writing documentation, etc.

By the way: there's nothing that feels better than a "thank you" from a user who is surprised that someone actually supplied the function he'd been waiting for (or complaining about) all along. Remember that a feature request tells us coders that we're actually needed and wanted.

Since I'm new to this mailing list, please feel free to ignore me. I'm just saying this because working at the MIDI patch I start to notice what a remarkable piece of software we have at hand here. Awesome. Cool.

- Ján

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