On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 18:36:18 +0100, "Herman Robak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   I would consider a partial replacement of the current GUI in Cinelerra
> 2.x, starting with one of the dialogs.  Anything else will likely be a
> complex instability hell for a developer who has not delved deeply into
> the innards of Cinelerra yet.

I guess this is as good a time as any to introduce myself as well.  Like
Joel, I work on Inkscape, have some C++ experience, have used Cinelerra for
a handful of productions, and have a keen interest in getting Lumiera (and
Cin-CV while we need it) working really well for my future productions.  To
get acclimated to the current codebase, I've been experimenting with
creating a new theme for Cinelerra based on the Tango desktop
specification, with the correct colors and appropriate icons, so that it
better integrates visually with a majority of the modern Linux graphic
design applications.  So far, I've only gotten a handful of dialogs
converted over, but I hope to work on finishing the rest soon, if there's
interest in having that look with the current application.

So long story short, I'm interested in helping out in small batches with
Cinelerra and Lumiera when I have a chance, if youall will have me.  :)



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