Hi ichthyo,

Ichthyostega wrote:
> [...]
> We have put
> up the requirement, that everything within the session (edit operations, 
> rendering)
> must work in "headless" operating mode, i.e. script driven, without a GUI. So 
> everyone
> working on the GUI will have to cooperate with the people working at the 
> backend layer
> or the proc layer and agree on suitable interfaces for doing things and 
> exchange data.
> So, basically, for Lumiera you can't just /contribute/ to the GUI, rather, we 
> need
> people willing to lay the foundations and shape the GUI from scratch. (And 
> this
> includes the decision what GUI framework to use)

Doesn't that mean that the choice of the GUI framework (=toolkit?) to
use is not that important, since the core is not tied to the GUI, but
just interacts with it via clearly defined interfaces? Or am I totally
wrong here? Perhaps you mean: those who write the /first/ GUI decide
what interfaces they need and how those should be structured, but that
does not prevent other GUIs to be written on top of the core layers,
using another toolkit, as long as they use the interfaces. Or am I
oversimplifying matters here?

> For Lumiera, we *do* have lots of drafts, plannings, documentation (and even 
> some
> code ;-) ). So, most important, if interested: speak up, ask questions, ask 
> for pointers!
> See: http://www.pipapo.org/pipawiki/Lumiera/QuickStart

I started to work those through, and although I don't understand C/C++
sufficiently - yet - the concepts accumulated in the first design drafts
are fascinating, even for me that I usually just do the video editing,
not the coding.


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