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Andreas Hermann Braml schrieb:
> Doesn't that mean that the choice of the GUI framework (=toolkit?) to
> use is not that important, since the core is not tied to the GUI, but
> just interacts with it via clearly defined interfaces?
yes, exactly, that's the intention

> those who write the /first/ GUI decide
> what interfaces they need and how those should be structured, but that
> does not prevent other GUIs to be written on top of the core layers,
> using another toolkit, as long as they use the interfaces.
It should be added that writing a complete GUI for a professional App is
no small task, so we are glad if anyone starts this GUI thing. Naturally,
the one volunteering first gets many opportunities to shape the whole 
which is emerging, and his work has good chances to become "the" GUI. But this
doesn't mean that we couldn't have several GUIs, e.g. one simple and one
with many bangs and whistles. As long as we keep clean interfaces and sort
of a common understanding of terms and procedures, and don't end up in
a war of competing GUIs, we'll be fine...


> I started to work those through, and although I don't understand C/C++
> sufficiently - yet - the concepts accumulated in the first design drafts
> are fascinating, even for me that I usually just do the video editing,
> not the coding.
PS :We especially invite people involved in (professional or ambitious amateur)
video/film editing to participate in the GUI design, even if they can't code
themselves, because those are our primary intended audience

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