Hi there!

When I switched to Linux I dedicated myself a little bit to knowing
the OS. At the present moment, I just want to use it to get some work
done and stop tweeking with config files. I was installing Linux Mint
in my wife's computer (she still lived in a Windows box) and kind of
fell in love with it: it's easy, clean and out-of-the-box functional.
OpenSuse 11.0 is a bit over the top and was getting me tired, so I
thought I would change myself to Linux Mint also.

But then I read a forum about Linux Mint not having a Realtime or Low
Latency kernel, and that such thing would be of interest to any
video/audio editor. It seams Ubuntu Studio comes compiled with such

So my questions are: is Linux Mint a bad choice to run Cinelerra (and
other video editing software)? Is Ubuntu Studio a good choice? What on
earth is a Low Latency or Realtime kernel and why should I cross the
street to say hello to it?

Thanks :)

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